
Vintage House deserves full City funding

Posted on April 14, 2016 by Sonoma Valley Sun

I recently became aware of the proposed change in allocating city grant funds for non-profits. I am particularly concerned about the cut in funding for Vintage House. As a senior, I find Vintage House to be a valuable asset to the community. I am a member and volunteer. Vintage House is an exceptional addition to the community, offering an expansive list of fun, beneficial, educational, meaningful, and helpful services.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the percentage of Sonoma’s population that is “senior” (55+) is 41 percent. Over two-fifths of Sonomans are seniors. We need a thriving senior center such as Vintage House.

I was dismayed that under the new proposal, Vintage House could receive a maximum of $25,000 per year. Vintage House indicates that its current funding is $36,900. And Vintage House is not guaranteed the maximum; it could receive less. The proposal indicates that “if a nonprofit is awarded a grant two years running, it sits out of eligibility the following year.” So Vintage House would receive $50,000 (or less) the first two years and nothing for the third, a drastic reduction of more than 50 percent over three years.

I understand the need and desire to fund other non-profits, but I ask that the Sonoma City Council members not reduce funding for Vintage House, a vital part of the Sonoma Community.

George Bereschik, Sonoma

Sonoma Sun | Sonoma, CA