Community Posts ~ Allen Brown


Relaxation Strategies When Your Muscles Are Sore

Posted on April 23, 2021 by Allen Brown

Feeling tired and exhausted all the time with low energy levels and sore muscles can have many causes. According to the Mayo Clinic, your body might be fighting off an infection or illness. The aches could be side effects of certain medications. Stress and anxiety are typically the primary reasons why your muscles are tense. Adopting some relaxation strategies could help ease the aches and restore proper blood circulation. Here are some ideas to get you started.

Massaging with Therapeutic Oils

Massaging the sore areas with therapeutic oils and creams can help ease the stress. Consider using hemp cream for pain, which is infused with cannabidiols extracted from marijuana and hemp plants. Contrary to popular belief, cannabidiol will not give you the high associated with cannabis. Instead, the element triggers the cell-signaling network known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Miniscule protein receptors attached to body cells respond to stimuli. As we continue to study the abilities of this natural substance, it’s grown increasingly popular as the main ingredient in creams and lotions. 

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

This technique focuses on muscle group awareness in your body. You’ll lay back in a quiet room and take deep breaths while tensing specific muscles for five to ten seconds. While breathing out, release the muscles. Start by targeting areas like your toes, ankles, calves, knees, and thighs as you progress up your body. Incorporate muscle awareness techniques for your abdomen, chest, shoulders, and forehead. You’ll notice a marked difference as the stress progressively leaves your body. At the end of the session, allow all the muscles to go limp as the blood begins to circulate. Spending around ten minutes every day using this technique can help you reverse stress and calm sore muscles.

Guided Imagery

Escaping to a “happy place” is actually a real thing. Feelings of being overwhelmed and tension result in your muscles readying for the natural “flight or fight” response. Close your eyes and imagine going back to a place or situation where you were truly happy. It could be the lakeside you visited as a child, your grandma’s kitchen with the aroma of warm cookies, or reliving happy moments you spent with a loved one. Mentally flip through a photo album while counting each breath. The rush of endorphins has the effect of relieving muscular pain.


Tired and achy muscles are often the result of dehydration. When you aren’t drinking enough water, the body pulls fluids from tissues for normal bodily functions. Since 70% to 80% of your joint cartilage and synovial fluids are composed of water, not drinking enough liquids can lower lubrication, leading to pain when you move. Make sure to drink eight to ten glasses of water throughout the day to flush out the buildup of sodium and electrolytes that can also cause cramping and soreness.


Using painkillers can give you temporary relief but could cause long-term ill effects. Try these simple and natural techniques to ease muscle soreness for overall good health and wellness. 


Sonoma Sun | Sonoma, CA