
Letters to the Editor

Posted on November 30, 2006 by Sonoma Valley Sun

Thanksgiving Sun a turkey
Editor: Hey Sonoma Sun, what’s with the bah, humbug Thanksgiving issue? There was nothing festive on the cover, and the “Sun on the Street” was such a downer to read first thing Thursday morning that I stopped reading and I stuffed the paper away for the rest of the week. Usually the paper is something I look forward to and I know you can do better!
Megan Clouse

Nativity scene Constitutional
Editor: The Nativity on the plaza – what a concept! Amid the noise and glitz of the holiday season, it would stand in silent serenity as the true meaning of Christmas.

Perhaps passers-by would be reminded that a minority in our community, Christians, are making a significant impact for good.
Others who wish to make a symbolic observance might think of putting a Menorah in place, on the anniversary of their holiday, etc.
For those who fear an endorsement of religion by the government, I refer you to the First Amendment to the Constitution – “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”
Carolyn King

Bring on the lions
Editor: Hold on Nero Claudius Caesar, before you bring on the lions to feed on the Christians, it is 2006. After winning his seat on the Sonoma City Council, Aug Sebastiani I am sure would tell you that he for one does not believe only Christians are the real and true citizens of Sonoma and that they were the only citizens who voted for him. His suggestion to display a Christian symbol on our plaza lawn was to bring back some Christmas spirit to the center of town during this holiday season. After all, it is the season to celebrate the birth of Christ. I don’t believe Christians would show any hostility if a Judaism symbol was also placed on display at the plaza, or for that matter at the proper season, a Buddha or even an Islamic symbol could be displayed. Maybe just maybe if we all believed in freedom of religion and all year sent letters in to the editor on subjects pertaining to betterment of this community, we could all enjoy every season. I don’t see how it is disrespectful to other religions and how it makes a mockery of non-Christians when displaying a Christian symbol during the season of Christmas. I don’t see anything one should fear from a display of Jesus, Mary or Joseph. No one is trying to “alarm” nor make any religion official here in Sonoma! Happy holiday to you and your family, Aug.
George H. Tsegeletos

No hospital parcel tax
Editor: First, let me tell the Sonoma Valley Health Care Coalition participants that I appreciate your time and efforts. The hospital in our community is an important issue and we are lucky enough to have such a diverse collection of people in which to serve. I love Sonoma and the way in which its citizens take care of each other by means of benefits and special events all through out the Valley. I take part in these efforts as much as I can.

But, what I will not take part of again is another parcel tax! Why are we asking the homeowners in this community to foot the bill for everyone else? Again! I don’t know how many of you own a home in the valley, but for those of you that don’t, and those of you that may not pay attention to your property tax statements here is a list of direct charges and special assessments I pay above and beyond the taxable value of my property.
1) Warm Springs Dam-Russian River Project.
2) Sonoma Valley Unified School District Bonds.
3) Sonoma County Junior College District Bonds.
4) Valley of the Moon Fire Protection District.
5) Sonoma Valley Sanitation Sewer.
6) Marin/Sonoma Mosquito and Vector Control District.
7) Sonoma Valley Health Care District.
Not so long ago, I looked into upgrading to a larger home. The payment on the upgrade was feasible but when the taxes were added to the equation it made the move virtually impossible! Add that there is a second home in the valley that I am also being taxed on, and the rent does not cover the taxes as well. Taxes times two, I will not support another parcel tax and urge other homeowners in the community not to support it either! I will support other means of financing this much-needed project as long as every household or tourist that uses it, or may use it, pay their fare share.
Tim E. Church

Sonoma Sun | Sonoma, CA