
Where to find The Sun

Copies of the Sun can be found in boxes around Sonoma Plaza and at the Post Office on Broadway, in addition to the locations below: (More coming!)

Barking Dog Roasters
Boyes Hot Springs Post Office
Boys & Girls Club of Sonoma Valley
Broadway Market
Chamber of Commerce Sonoma Valley
Glen Ellen Post Office
Glen Ellen Village Market
Jack London Saloon
Kenwood Village Market
Moon Valley Mobile Home Park
Murphy’s Pub
Pueblo Serena Mobile Home Park
Readers’ Books
Sebastiani Theatre
Sonoma Community Center
Sonoma Health Care Center
Sonoma Market
Sonoma Oaks Mobile Home Park
Sonoma Valley Hospital
Sonoma Valley Library
Sonoma Post Office
Sonoma Valley Visitors Bureau
Steiner’s Pub
Sunflower Caffé
Vintage House
Whole Foods

Sonoma Sun | Sonoma, CA