
Letters to the Editor

Posted on December 28, 2006 by Sonoma Valley Sun

Don Sebastiani should support
teen parents

Editor: When I read that Don Sebastiani has donated close to a million dollars toward anti-abortion legislation (which is what it basically is), my jaw about hit the floor. Has Mr. Sebastiani ever been to a Planned Parenthood clinic? Those girls are terrified and would probably tell their parents, just for the emotional support factor alone, if they could. If the issue is kids, families, parents and community, how about donating some of that $900,000(!) dollars to our Sonoma Teen Parent Support Program right here in Sonoma? Let’s support those kids that are here now!
Sanna Range-Lee, mother

I’ll match Don

Editor: I recently learned of Don Sebastiani’s donation of $650,000 supporting a proposition that would require a girl under 18 to notify her parents before having an abortion.
I will personally match your $650,000, Mr. Sebastiani, with one condition:
The parents of the boy who impregnated the girl must also be notified.
With our combined $1,300,000 we should have a good start in actively destroying young people’s lives before they really have a chance to blossom. But more to the point, we will finally be equalizing the playing field, and for once, young men will also be held accountable for fatherhood outside of marriage.
What do you say, Mr. Sebastiani? I’m waiting…
Jane Moeddel

Thanks, St.
Andrew, for
La Luz

Editor: Each year almost since its foundation, La Luz Center has been the beneficiary of a wonderful Christmas musical presented by St. Andrew Presbyterian Church. This past weekend I had the pleasure of attending the performance of “Amahl and the Night Visitors,” a delightful opera composed by Gian Carlo Menotti and presented by talented and caring members of the church and the community.
I would like to congratulate and thank St. Andrew for these many years of support through a program that has also brought much enjoyment and good will to the residents of our beloved Valley.
Ligia Booker

Rains braved for Christmas at

Editor: For the past 21 years the Sonoma/Petaluma State Historic Parks Association and the California State Parks have presented “Christmas at the Mission” for the pleasure of the people of Sonoma Valley.
I just want to say how much I admire the people who braved the torrential rains and attended this year. We were sure that most everyone who obtained tickets would decide the weather would preclude their attending.
One wag said if they had to pay for tickets they would come no matter the weather. (Tickets are free.) But there they were – at all three performances – waiting, wet and cold.
I love this community because people do this kind of thing. I also love our wonderful historic park and all the staff who preserve, protect and interpret it simply because they love what they do. God bless you all.
Mary Ann Maslowski

Sonoma Sun | Sonoma, CA