
Letters to the Editor

Posted on May 24, 2007 by Sonoma Valley Sun

Fast and loose
with the pen

Editor: Ms. Williams’ recent column regarding the public art project at the Gateway Arch was off the mark in many ways. Suzanne Shonbrun’s letter in last week’s Sun was right on the mark.
To imply that the project, for which the RAC voted to recommend $35,000 of redevelopment money, is being done at the expense of sidewalks and trash receptacles is absolutely ludicrous. The fact is over $6,000,000 has been set aside for the Highway 12 Improvement Project and that construction is expected this fall. Ms. William’s reference to the work of artist Oliveras Quezadas (a pile of blue balls) is offensive not only to him but the RAC and the group of committed volunteers who spent hours conducting a community survey and interviewing candidates before Mr. Quezadas was even selected. His design was conceived after getting input from the community in the form of a survey as well as extensive personal interaction on Mr. Quezada’s part with many people who live and work in the Springs.
While Ms. Williams may find the arch “almost lovely,” most Springs residents would ask, “what is it and why is it there?” Many, including myself, would agree that it was “overfunded,” a consequence of local money being spent without the proper local input. But that is history. Some would like to see the arch torn down. That is not about to happen. Others would ask the question, what can we do to improve it, to make it a meaningful part of the Springs community without “overfunding”? That is the course that the RAC chose to pursue. The mission of redevelopment goes beyond sidewalks and trash receptacles which although vital for the obvious reasons are not the only way to improve the quality of life in the Springs. I would echo Suzanne’s open invitation to attend a RAC meeting or a STFCC (Springs Task Force Coordinating Committee) meeting. Be a part of the solution.
Rich Lee
Chair, Sonoma Valley
Redevelopment Advisory Committee

What is truly ‘city business’?

Editor: We elect city council members to “conduct city business.” We do not elect them to spend time talking about items not related to running the City of Sonoma. Would we want them sitting around talking about how they feel about the various “American Idol Contestants”? I think not. So the suggestion that any council member can add any topic to an agenda should have the qualifier that it must directly relate to running the City of Sonoma. That’s why they were elected. That is their job.
Kassandra Miller

Sonoma Sun | Sonoma, CA