
Letters to the Editor

Posted on June 7, 2007 by Sonoma Valley Sun

Pizza opponent
decries new outlet
for fattening food

Editor: I was very surprised to see that somehow (another) new pizza outlet was able to get permission to open in Sonoma. I am a chef and was responsible for revamping the menu at a Sonoma Valley elementary school in order to attempt to improve the nutritional habits of the local youth. That meant abolishing from their former menu, among other things, pizza. Young people have problems with obesity and consequent side effects, including diabetes. That a chain pizza outlet would make this food more readily available in our community is terrible to me. It sort of defeats much of the effort applied in educating young (and old people) on the merits of local, organic where possible, healthy food. And that means vegetables, fruit and even perhaps meat and fish. Not more fattening food with poor nutritional value. I’m disappointed that their enterprise passed under the radar, no matter how nice these people may be. Maybe I was distracted, but I wasn’t asked to vote on this personally… Well, at least they are in good company: next to a chain hamburger “restaurant.”
Giulia Latini

Altimira Middle School librarian seeks donation of 1983 yearbook

Editor: In the library archives at Altimira Middle School, we keep a copy of every yearbook published. Sometime in the past, our copy of the 1983 issue went missing. I am hoping that someone in the community might have a copy that he or she no longer wants and would like to donate it to the library. We may be reached at 935.4221 anytime between 9 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday until June 14.
Darleen Beals
Library Media Specialist

Thanks to Jim
Cahoon of Cal-Italia Restaurant for his patriotism

Editor: This is to express our thanks and appreciation to Jim Cahoon, owner of Cal-Italia Restaurant for honoring all veterans with a dinner on Tuesday May 28. It was a great show of patriotism.
We salute Jim and his staff.
Bill and Rose Marie Randall

Great just joan
article highlighting compassionate

Editor: Regarding Joan Huguenard’s May 24 column titled, “They listened and learned and now collaborate.” A great article and a great outcome. Celeste’s workshop on compassionate communication is what all of us need to work out difficulties with anyone.
Thanks for this wonderful article.
Sophia Tiers

Sonoma Sun | Sonoma, CA