
Letters to the Editor

Posted on July 19, 2007 by Sonoma Valley Sun

Was Wooly Weeder necessary?

Editor: Regarding Epicurious’ column about food served at the Jacuzzi Family Vineyards Winery opening party, did you have to identify the kabobs as Wooly Weeder lamb?
Rosemary Hinz

Water use already frugal

Editor: I have written the following letter to the Valley of the Moon Water District.
I have always been aware of water conservation. We all take “three-minute showers” – get wet, water off, wash, water back on to rinse. We have low-flush toilets, a front-loading washer, low flow on all faucets.
Unfortunately, we still got into the third tier, because of food and flower production on an acre (drip irrigation).
There’s no way to cut back 15 percent. We’re already as frugal as possible. Will we be penalized?
Others who are wasteful without realizing it can easily cut back 15 percent or more with a little consciousness.
It’s very upsetting to learn a silicon chip factory uses as much water in a single day as the average household uses in 40 years. (Source: Natural Resources Defense Council.)
How much water is used at Sonoma Golf Course? But, of course, they are on wells – but they are still drawing down the water table, causing other wells in the area to go dry.
Where do we go from here?
Eleanor Cuevas

MoveOn likes
Edwards on global warming

Editor: John Edwards overwhelmingly wins MoveOn votes for the best plan and leadership to fight global warming.
This past Saturday, presidential candidates spoke to Americans, coast-to-coast, each candidate telling them about his or her plan to help with the climate crisis.
Candidate John Edwards received 33 percent of the MoveOn votes, more than the second- and third-place finishers (Kucinich and Clinton) combined, garnering each 15+ percent. One-hundred thousand people voted nationwide in this poll.
It is not a surprise to his supporters. So why did he win by a landslide?
Edwards has an aggressive plan: have the United States lead the world in a climate treaty committing us and other countries to limit pollution. Create new “green-collar” jobs by producing efficient automobile technology here in the United States. Go to his site to read and/or view the video on his full plans in detail.
MoveOn is a family of organizations bringing real Americans (from Moms, farmers, and teachers to small-business owners, firefighters and retired Americans) back into the political process. MoveOn (is a venue for busy, concerned citizens to find their voice in a system that has become dominated by big money and big media. It is basically a national, true grassroots organization.
Yannick A. Phillips

Sonoma Sun | Sonoma, CA