
Letters to the Editor

Posted on October 11, 2007 by Sonoma Valley Sun

Plaza a religious experience
Editor: I don’t know all the motives of the individuals who brought the creche proposal forward. The notion that it is not about the crèche or Christianity, but something for all faiths to embrace and participate in, seems either disingenuous or naive, however. No one else is clamoring to have their religious or spiritual beliefs represented on the public square. The only reason that would happen is to provide a balance to the creche.
The appropriate balance is already achieved with nothing there. Unless you feel that someone like me, who sees spirituality in all of nature, is unfairly represented because there are trees and grass in the park.
Carol Allison

True spirit of the season
Editor: The recurrent debate over the banishment of the crèche from government property will prompt, as expected, the usual discussion of the appropriateness of such civic-endorsed religious displays. No doubt our constitution, its amendments and our founding fathers will be called upon and cited as each side of this contentious issue attempts to substantiate its stance. One could, for example, offer myriad examples of embattled nations, past and present, which impose one type of religion on their citizenry, or describe the perceived marginalizing effects that such subtle government-sponsored preferences bestow upon the members of the non-represented religions.
There could be references to “God” in our pledge of allegiance, and endless interpretations of the real intentions of the deists who carefully worded our constitution. Instead, the true spirit of the season as well as the constitution might be better reflected in celebrating all Americans’ democratically protected right to practice the religion of their choice, at any time and in any place, except, perhaps, the deliberately neutral arena of our precious secular government’s property. Rather than instigate further unrest, our commons should be viewed as a symbol of all the blessings that we, as Americans are allowed to enjoy.
Julianne Ryan

Faith part of our founding
Editor: I found it laughable that Mr. Gary Shepard regards the Crèche on government property a constitution issue of the separation of church and state. I would like for Mr. Shepard to find this in the Constitution of the United States. I am assuming Mr. Shepard would also like the House of Representatives to discontinue the Lord’s Prayer before each session. Also reprint the United States of America’s currency. I guess some people just continue to be politically ignorant.
Robert A. Gilson 

Why not celebrate all religions?
Editor: My belief of this great country is that state and church should always be separated. But how can something be religious/offensive if you don’t believe in it? I was also in understanding that “public property” meant is owned by the public. I consider myself respectful to all religions and I give them their space and wish those believers a Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Ramadan, Happy Hanukkah or a happy any other holiday. I wouldn’t tell them to take their religion and shove it, I simply embrace them for who they are and their personal beliefs that make them so. Just like those anti-war protesters whom I always honk and wave at whenever I see them using their coveted first amendment,
I believe this statue can also be erected for a week or two out of the year in the same idea. It isn’t there to brainwash or create a revolution but very much like our protesters of Friday afternoons, it will just be a symbol of our rights as citizens of the free world. We could erect different symbols for different holidays recognized by all the religions, a Minora for Hanukkah, an anti-slavery icon for Kwanzaa and a miniature creation of the Muslim holy land of Mecca for Ramadan.
Think resolution rather than bickering back and forth, my fellow citizens.
Rex Harigon

Councilman listens to residents
Editor: Thanks to Steve Barbose, who asked to hear from residents before using any more city time and money to research the legality of the crèche and potential lawsuits.    
Hopefully, thinking citizens will speak up and affirm keeping church and state separate. 
When a proponent pays for a survey, that survey is suspect.  Mr. Sebastiani’s survey results remind me of tobacco company “facts” regarding the health risks of smoking. 
Ginny Jones

Sacred Symbols
Editor: Spirit is human reality. Acknowledging spirit is completely in sync with our constitution and shouldn’t be offensive to anyone. Acknowledging the sacred in our public places will uplift our whole community.
Sacred symbols in the Plaza in a traditional season would lift all our spirits. Let’s figure out how to do it so that most people can agree. If we can send a man to the moon…etc.
So many are distrustful of organized religion and indeed our constitution doesn’t want our government favoring one over any other, but that doesn’t mean we need to deny our spirituality.
I personally think the symbol of a newborn baby and his little family would be a beautiful, peace-filled, hope-filled display. I’m also for other peoples’ symbols of the sacred. Maybe we could invite others to bring displays symbolizing the sacred to join the crèche on the Plaza during the winter season, with the theme being the sacred, oneness of all people, and peace.
We must separate the baby from the bathwater. Expressing Spirit is a deep human need and we can do it in a way that brings people together and strengthens our community, maybe even help bring sanity back to the world!
Anne Petersen

Acorns keep falling on my head
Editor: We’ve noticed that the squirrels aren’t keeping up with the acorns this year. Yesterday we determined that one acorn fell every six seconds. Today we approximated eleven acorns for every square foot of yard. Here are some uses if you find yourself in our position.
1. Acorn mandala
2. Acorn toss from ten paces
3. Acorn percussion (reuse a container with a lid)
4. Acorns for flower arrangements, to anchor the flowers
5. Acorn back massage (roll atop a single layer)
May Boeve and Jill Hunting

Sonoma Sun | Sonoma, CA