
Letters to the Editor

Posted on November 8, 2007 by Sonoma Valley Sun

Roosters giving people insomnia

Editor: While I feel sympathy for Mrs. Proctor and her hens, I fully understand and support the ban on roosters in residential neighborhoods. Study after study has shown sleep is vitally important to both mental and physical health. The crowing of roosters enters the homes of neighbors and interrupts that sleep. When I moved to the springs 20 years ago, there were no roosters in my area that I could hear. I have one neighbor who raises chickens, but they keep them inside the house and the noise doesn’t affect me or any of the other neighbors, and while I don’t know how they stand it, I have no problem with what they do as long as it doesn’t impact the rest of us. However there is another neighbor who keeps roosters outside and the crowing wakes some of the other neighbors and I up every morning, usually starting around 4 a.m., but sometimes even earlier. I end up getting drowsy and going to bed around 8 in the evening when I can, but because of my work, I often can’t go to bed that early. The loss of sleep has been affecting my health. Keeping roosters in a residential neighborhood is beyond rude and inconsiderate, it is a public health issue and should be treated as such.
While on the subject of waking people up, honking your horn early in the morning when picking up someone for a ride to work is another example of inconsiderate noise pollution that is also illegal according to the vehicle code. Please be aware of your neighbors and exercise some common courtesy and realize the laws regarding quality of life issues have a purpose and real health consequences. To those of you who are considerate of your neighbors, thanks. I truly appreciate it. To those of you who are not, please think about your behavior and realize your actions have real consequences on those around you.
Dan Jones

Sun Review

Editor: “Much Ado” Our View gratifies my satisfaction with holding the recent proposed hospital site choice in rational process language vs. hurt losers blaming texts. Your words are well chosen and your community purpose of useful information satisfied.
Just Joan in the same edition on the Peace Picnic story remarks my KSVY 91.3 FM Health Matters program, asks every week for listeners to ‘Give Peace a Voice’. Each week we have a submission e-mail or someone who comes on-air for a few minutes we share out thoughts and hopes for peace..inner peace, marital and family peace, political peace. We need to be with each other and find language and shared intention in this search. Please join in. Help us in this. Write or call with your statement. Thank you
Lastly Larry Barnett’s “Illness as a fashion..” puts it’s finger squarely in the eye of the ‘hidden persuaders’..those who see where the buck is in all things. After almost 40 years in the health & wellness field one begins to grasp how often the real solutions are found in less while the persuaders usually only offer more.
Ned Hoke OMD, L.Ac.    

The power of cannabis

Editor: Open letter to Supervisor Valerie Brown.
Dear Valerie,
The majority of the overflowing crowd of 100 at the October 24 forum at the former Nicholas Turkey property located at 19445 Riverside Drive, where a medical marijuana dispensary would be located, wants it approved. Close by residents do not. Their concern is that it would bring criminal activity, and lower real estate prices. It is my understanding Valerie, that you support the negative aspects. Such fears are understandable, but unlikely, due to the clean record of the Creekside Medicinal Organics, due to their success at their Santa Rosa facility. Their attorney, Lisa Guygax, pointed out the lack of crime is due to heavy security, including paid guards who escort qualified patients who hold a doctors written recommendation, in to the facility. A phone call to the doctor would confirm the patient recommendation. Surveillance cameras would be on the property, 24/7. Adequate lighted parking would be in use. No loitering would be allowed, and a current California identification card would be recorded.
I’m a cancer survivor and medical marijuana researcher for over 50 years. Also the author of two critically acclaimed books on this subject that are in hundreds of libraries, and thousands of homes. I’m a former journalist for the Hawaii CBS television affiliate, where I lived for thirty years.
For two years I co-hosted the Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy Telethon for Hawaii. Back stage, prior to going on the air, I talked to numerous MD Patients in wheel chairs. I learned that the majority of wheelchair patients suffer from muscle spasms, the consequences of being in wheelchairs 12 to 18 hours a day. Many of them find relief from muscle spasms, using cannabis.
Imagine a drug that stops nausea, prevents vomiting, and increases appetite in people with cancer, anorexia, and AIDS; reduces eye pressure in glaucoma patients, preventing blindness; and controls muscle spasms in people with cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis. Marijuana reduces many forms of chronic pain; decreases anxiety and depression; eases withdrawal from alcohol, cocaine, nicotine cigarettes, and heroin; and reduces the pain of childbirth and premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Now reflect that this drug has fewer side effects than over-the counter drugs. Also consider that it is supported for healing uses by medical experts and prestigious scientific organizations. Now stamp that drug “Illegal: and brand its users as criminals. Allow me to point out; the toxicity of alcohol kills over 100,000 American’s a year. Nicotine toxicity kills 435,000 American’s. Toxicity of pharmaceutical’s cause the death of more than 100,000 a year. Marijuana, ZERO!
Marijuana is federally prohibited due to it being in competition to alcohol, tobacco, and primarily pharmaceutical cartels, which pay Uncle Sam hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes. Uncle Sam is their protector with untrue scare tactics copied from the effects of over indulging in alcohol; addiction, violence, memory loss, rapes, murders, etc. and applied those alarming facts to innocent cannabis.
Marijuana will remain federally illegal until our coin-operated politicians stop accepting money from corporations who do not want the competition of legalized cannabis. Follow the money. Presidential hopefuls have received millions of dollars from companies such as Joseph F. Seagram’s & Sons, and the giant tobacco corporation, Philip Morris, and Coors beer. And how about the pharmaceutical companies who spend a billion dollars a year on lobbyists? Only they know how much is spent keeping cannabis federally illegal!
Valerie, knowing the facts I believe you will do the right thing.
David R. Ford

Young Life helps
the community

Editor: The tragic death of a valley teen has us asking what are we doing as a community for our young people. There is an organization in Sonoma called Young Life whose mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of middle and high school kids through dedicated, caring volunteer leaders, camps, clubs and activities. We’re not there to preach to them, or to make them do or think anything they don’t want to. Our main goal is to tell them they are worthwhile people who are cared for and loved by their maker whether they believe it or not. We’re there to let them know someone cares about their lives. Whether kids are seeking answers or just acceptance, Young Life is there for them, armed with a desire for fun and the ultimate message of hope. High School “clubs” meet on Monday nights and middle school “clubs” meet on Friday nights.
Diana Spry

Sonoma Sun | Sonoma, CA