This past year has seen a number of big stories, and it’s been our pleasure to bring them to you, though the news itself may not always have been pleasant. Here’s a look back at a few –
Luis Miranda
The speed with which a seemingly small altercation on an October evening escalated into a public killing still shocks us. Our prayers go out to Luis’s family over their inconsolable loss, and we mourn our own naiveté, thinking that other towns might have such problems, but surely not Sonoma! We do, it turns out, and we hope our community will pull together to address them in positive ways.
Hospital Site Selection
Should it really be this hard to find a site? Apparently so, though this decade-long issue finally seems to be resolving. Rebuild in place? No. Pass on the Cuneo property and build at Romberg? No, wait, take the Leveroni field. Oops, build on Broadway, instead. No? Say, let’s go get the Cuneo property (now Carinalli) and build part of it there, and rebuild the rest in place. Key now, of course, is passage of a bond measure this spring.
Measure E and Young
Though not the end to all its financial woes, the school district expected the $91 parcel tax to ease them. While a majority of voters approved, the total fell well short of the two-thirds needed. It’s been three years since the last major budget cuts locally, but now more can be expected. Related only in timing, the news was sad that schools superintendent Barbara Young would retire in June. She brought good karma to the schools and will be missed, though her key appointments can be expected to keep her energy and enthusiasm alive.
As the way that locals get their news continues to evolve, we’re pleased by the introduction of Sonoma Valley Television on Comcast as a free public service. How nice it is for the community to see, in the comfort of their own homes, their representatives in action: city council, school board, hospital board, and planning commission, among others. Plus a community calendar. Plus live high school Dragons football from Arnold Field and, beginning next week, live basketball from Pfeiffer Gym.
Whole Foods
The much-anticipated opening of Whole Foods came off in June with no apparent hitch. The unique supermarket seems to have captured quickly the affection of many Sonoma residents, though we haven’t noticed much impact on the number of customers frequenting the other three: local Sonoma Market and chain stores Safeway and Lucky.
Top City Officials
Competent, confident, and young – what’s not to like about the new Police Chief and the new City Manager!? We were pleased with the promotion of Bret Sackett, known locally, and have been impressed during his first few months as our top law enforcement official. We’re also pleased with the selection of Linda Kelly, due to succeed Mike Fuson in January as the city’s top administrative official.
Missed Opportunity
With so many fundraisers for so many deserving non-profits, we’re surprised nobody used the James Bond theme – you know, “007” in 2007. Well, reportedly that opportunity was missed in 1007, too, but maybe it’ll be used next time around. Now, there’s a thought! We can’t wait to write “3007 Writ Large.”