
Letters to the Editor

Posted on February 14, 2008 by Sonoma Valley Sun

Three views on
“Just Joan”
Every week I look forward to reading “Just Joan.” Her submission for Feb. 7 carried a message of truth so well told that it needs to be repeated as often as possible: Our president went to Israel, walked the paths that Jesus walked, and talked of bringing peace and democracy to Israel, the former Palestine. However, what he did was to promise Israel and Egypt yet more billions of our dollars for weapons to use against Palestinians, including, of course, mothers and children.
People of conscience, Jews as well as Palestinians, understand that the way to peace is not through violence, but through dialogue.
Catherine Beatty

Editor: After several months’ hiatus, “Just Joan” has returned to her unwarranted and uninformed diatribes against the state of Israel.
Somehow she refuses to be confused by the facts. In her latest propagandistic column she refers to George Bush’s visit to Israel and takes issue with the amount of aid granted to Israel as opposed to that granted to Egypt. Which of these countries does she truly believe the United States could count on as a true ally?
In her reference to Israel’s “brutal occupation, suppression and escalating devastation” in the Gaza Strip, she somehow loses sight of the fact that this so-called devastation is the result of an Israeli response to the Palestinians’ launching of rockets into totally civilian areas of Israel, causing untold casualties.
She also ludicrously states, “These Zionists changed the name of the country from Palestine to Israel and in 1967 captured the strip from Egypt, holding it tightly until September 2005.” Perhaps she was residing on some other planet when the United Nations created the state of Israel in 1948, and she failed to return from outer space at the time in 1967 when an Arab army, including Egypt, attacked the state of Israel, leaving the small nation with no alternative but to defend itself.
To cite further examples of her misinformation (perhaps the kindest name I can give to her writings on the subject) would take up more space than I believe I could ask for. Suffice it to say that an answer to her demands an outing.
Steve Swartz

Editor: Joan Huguenard throws a rare light on a complex problem as she addresses the Israeli-Palestinian issue. Media commentary coverage is overwhelmingly sympathetic with Israel while casting Palestinians as the villains. If America truly wants to help solve this growing and insidious imbroglio more voices such as Joan’s should be heard and not silenced.
Pete Sark

Public apology to accident victim’s family
On June 11, 2006 an awful accident happened. I, Maria Diaz De Leon tragically took the life of an innocent person. It has been the worst experience I have faced in my whole entire life, my heart goes out to all of her family and friends I have hurt because of this big loss. If I could go back to change what happened I would in a heartbeat, unfortunately I know that is impossible. I just want all of you to know that I am deeply sorry for what I have accidentally done. All that I can do is give you my most sincere apology. I personally have had a hard time accepting this tragedy. I have joined a church and attend regular bible studies to help me mentally deal with this emptiness in my heart. I know Anne Marie is in heaven now and I pray for her to help us all heal this awful pain that we have in our hearts. I know that she knows my intention was never to harm her or hurt her in anyway. I can only hope these words that are coming from the bottom of my heart will help Anne Marie Simmons’ loved ones find it in their hearts to someday forgive me for the emptiness I left in their lives.
Maria Diaz De Leon

Editor: It is necessary for me to let Anne Marie Simmons’ family and the public know what kind of lady Maria Diaz De Leon is. Maria is the oldest of eight, not only has she been a dedicated sister, she has been a second mother to us all. She has a son, daughter and five grandchildren. For 30 years she has devoted her life to care for the elderly. On many occasions Maria and I have both taken care of the same person. Maria is definitely in the right profession. She has been one of the most nurturing, trusting caregivers I have ever worked with. The terrible impact this tragic accident has had on my sister’s life is like day and night. At family gatherings, she was always the light, keeping the family happy and laughing. Ever since June 11, 2006 that light has disappeared. Maria is not the same happy person we once knew. Maria has never smoked, consumed drugs or alcohol in her whole life.
Her only mistake was to get behind the wheel to go make a living and care for an elderly person on a suspended license, this I agree was wrong. On several occasions Maria asked me to help her contact the family of Anne Marie Simmons so she could apologize and explain to them that she never meant to hurt her. That it was a terrible accident and to tell them how awful she feels. Her lawyer repeatedly advised her not to do that. Maria is now in custody, without her medications, has fainted on three different occasions and does not have the proper medical attention she deserves. I know punishment will not bring Anne Maria back into her loved ones’ lives. I also know that when God had this plan, he must have needed her in heaven. Maria and all of us pray to Anne Marie every day so that she can someday ease all the heartache that her tragic death left behind. In my visits with my sister Maria, she can’t wait to meet face to face with Anne Marie’s relatives and finally be able to express her remorseful feelings to them.
Carmen Garcia
(Maria Diaz De Leon’s sister)

Springs annexation discussion needed

Editor: In my many months of City Council observation, I have yet to see an agenda item brought forward about annexing anything beyond the mandated 2020 Urban Growth Boundary.
Imagine my surprise and bafflement to see the headline in the local paper about Mayor Sanders asserting her desire to annex the Springs, stated as if it were approved city policy. This assertion has not been an agenda or discussion item, let alone approved as city policy.
Moreover, what of the Springs? Were their community leaders or longtime residents consulted before such a pronouncement was made?
Besides being fiscally irresponsible, Mayor Sander’s headline-grabbing assertion of the need to annex the Springs seems like a statement driven by personal motivation instead of sound public policy.
I am left to wonder, therefore, what that motivation is and would like the City Council to pursue an answer.
Laurie Kaiser Gallian

Sonoma Sun | Sonoma, CA