
Letters to the Editor

Posted on March 27, 2008 by Sonoma Valley Sun

Senators not doing their jobs

Editor: It’s hard to understand why we are paying our senators a most generous salary and a fantastic retirement package when they never seem to be in Washington doing their job.
Instead, they are running around the country (at our expense) so they can get re-elected, at which time they keep running around to raise money to get elected again.
Perhaps there are some benefits to this as most politicians have never had a real job and they don’t know what else to do except raise taxes.
Joan Bard

Appreciation for school board and superintendent

Editor: Hearing that the superintendent and school board have revised their decision in regards to high school principal Micaela Philpot has increased my trust and respect for them as seeking to represent and serve our community.
I feel saddened by the way some community members have expressed their anger, frustration and bewilderment in the lack of transparency in regards to the request for Ms. Philpot’s resignation. I share those feelings, and believe that we should have the right to know what goes on in our schools. But apparently do we not have that right because of laws and regulations that prevent the superintendent or school board from disclosing this kind of information.
It’s unfair to blame and judge the school board and Barbara Young for not doing something that they are not allowed to do. I believe they were acting in accordance with the laws by not disclosing the reasons for the firing, even in the face of great pressure. They took the bullet that should be targeted at the legislators in Sacramento.
These are very challenging times for the school administration, who are facing further budget cuts [and] the retirement of a highly respected and effective superintendent, while the government spends $12 billon/month on the war in Iraq, and the Sonoma Valley community voted down a $92/year parcel tax for Education.
They deserve our encouragement, respect and trust as they face very tough decisions.
I would like to express my greatest appreciation to a dedicated, committed and united school board and superintendent. I have deep gratitude for our school board members who spent countless hours serving the community without reimbursement for their work, and hope that in the future people would express their opinions and feelings with more respect and understanding for the complexity of decision-making.
Martina Lutz Schneider

Voting NO on Measure F

Editor: The Sonoma County Taxpayers’ Association recently polled its members who reside within the Sonoma Valley Health Care District. We asked their opinion on Measure F, the $45 million, 30-year bond proposal that will appear on the April 8 ballot. Every response that we received back indicated our members would not vote in favor of the parcel tax for acquiring land, paying for the new hospital’s design and upgrading the existing hospital. The primary reasons given included:
1. Objections to the two phase bond measure. Members questioned why procure land and pay for the new hospital’s design if the proposed $200 million construction bond measure is not approved by the voters in a future bond proposal?
2. They believe the majority of residents in the District belong to Kaiser’s health plan and they fear that the new facility will not be fully utilized.
3. Property owners are currently paying $195-a-year hospital parcel tax and this measure would only add to their tax burden.
4. Some members question the need for a full service hospital that serves a small community.
Given the opinions of our members who are directly affected by this parcel tax proposal, the Sonoma County Taxpayers’ Association recommends a No vote on Measure F.
Fred Levin

Ken Brown deserves our respect 

Editor: As a Sonoma Valley citizen, I feel I have to respond to the personal diatribe against Councilman Ken Brown at the City Council meeting.
We don’t do that here! My experience with Sonoma’s government has been that it deals with differences with civility and openness. How ironic that Ken, who has modeled respect, courtesy and reasoned consideration of many viewpoints, was the target of someone’s hateful attack. Why was this ugliness allowed to go on for the full three minutes of public comment, when a simple “This is not appropriate” could have cut it short?
Not long ago, I appeared before the council as a representative of a non-profit organization, asking for a donation from the city. Councilman Brown’s vote was to deny the request, but his opinion was expressed with compassion and from his clear concern for the common good of Sonoma’s residents. I came away from this meeting with great respect for his integrity and independent judgment.
Sharon Boyce

Sonoma Sun | Sonoma, CA