
Letters to the Editor

Posted on April 24, 2008 by Sonoma Valley Sun

Film festival a major community asset

Editor: The Sonoma Valley Film Festival just concluded its 11th run here in our fine city.  The films were phenomenal, many of the film venues were at full capacity and local businesses were buzzing with activity throughout the long weekend.  As long-time volunteers at the festival, we are keenly aware that the Sonoma Valley Film Festival is a tremendous economic and cultural asset for our community.
Under Marc and Brenda Lhormer’s leadership over the past seven years, we have enjoyed how this Festival has evolved into a world-class event.  We are proud to see the Lhormer’s vision become reality after all their years of hard work, including the work of their staff, and hundreds of volunteers who help to produce our Film Festival.
We were originally motivated to support the Festival as we were inspired by the Lhormers’ commitment to developing and supporting the Sonoma Valley High School Digital Media Program, as well as other worthy causes, such as the Carolyn J. Stone Center for Women’s Health and Wellness.  Our son enjoyed participating in the high school film program.  As a result of his high school experience, he completed his college degree in Film & Digital Media last year, and is now employed in the film industry.
We have been honored to have been involved as volunteers over the past six years. We are sad to see that the SVFF Board of Directors has chosen to replace the Lhormers, as this marks the end of an era of the Festival’s local leadership in our community.  We wish the Lhormers well in their future endeavors, and we hope that they will seek local opportunities in Sonoma, as we so value them as friends and true contributors to the quality of life we all enjoy here in the Valley.
Dayna & Bill Wiebalk
Film festival volunteers

Parcel tax to support hospital called unacceptable

Editor: I read with interest the two letters to the Editor in the April 10 issue regarding proposition “F” and would like to ask why all taxpayers got to vote on a tax issue that only taxes property owners. This was not a tax that everyone would have paid.
In addition, who provided the funds to hire the consulting firm that spent who knows how much to try to secure a “yes” vote behind the backs of our voting public. To those contacted by phone it was clear that if one was in favor of “F,” one should cast an absentee vote immediately. To my way of thinking, this constituted underhandedness, not “quietness” as professed.
I restate what I wrote before, this hospital loses money and expanding it would lose more money. Bringing in more high paid specialists would not expand the patient base. Expanding the hospital would place an even more unacceptable tax burden on the property owners. Thank goodness enough people could figure this out and bothered to go to the polls and vote no. Servicing this kind of debt is very costly.
On the ballot information I read, if “F” had passed, the Hospital would or could have used the funds to purchase the property for a new hospital. Then instead of the property owners servicing the debt for the hospital as “F” proposed, we would have been asked to service additional debt of how many millions to build their new hospital.
I suggest a parcel tax is totally unacceptable to support a hospital. Property owners, as stated, have had to subsidize this hospital for years often without any benefit at all. As was stated, where has all of this money gone? Now is the time to put every cent property owners provide the hospital to good use and stop using these generous subsidies to further a New Hospital agenda.
Susan Varga
Glen Ellen

Hat’s Off

Editor: While every private club may have its rules, there is a most egregious one held by the Marin Country Club of Novato.  After months of anticipation, I drove from Glen Ellen to Novato to attend a luncheon and fashion show with my mother at this club.  I wore basic black with pearls, and a simple, elegant, black-brimmed hat.  Once we were settled, I noticed an elderly woman walking toward us.  She gave my mother an ostensibly warm greeting, then focused on me and said, “You’ll have to remove your hat.”  I laughed, believing she was trying to make a joke, albeit a poor one, because my hat has been the object of continual compliments.  Her hard expression told me otherwise.  I was aghast . . . but the great spoof was that the models would be wearing (and selling) hats! You can buy in the Temple what is illegal to bring to the Temple. Of course, my mother and I walked out. All books of etiquette prove the Marin Country Club of Novato to be fallen far from the tree of gracious manners and common sense. Their “No hats for women” should insult every lady that has or has not a hat to wear.  Lady-hood is alive, as it should be; other than at the Marin Country Club of Novato.  I claim Amy Vanderbilt and Emily Post as sage witnesses to my dudgeon.
Sherri Jilek
Glen Ellen

Sonoma Sun | Sonoma, CA