
Letters to the Editor

Posted on May 1, 2008 by Sonoma Valley Sun

Supervisor says No on 98; Yes on 99

Dear Editor:
On June 3, I urge all Sonoma Valley residents to vote NO on Proposition 98 and YES on Proposition 99. Let me explain why.
In Sonoma County our mobile home parks provide wonderful affordable housing stock. Thousands of residents on fixed and limited incomes are living in safe communities within Sonoma Valley. Proposition 98 is backed by wealthy mobile home park and apartment owners who are spending millions of dollars on a deceptive campaign for the June 3 ballot for their own financial gain. These landlords want voters to believe that Proposition 98 is about eminent domain. But their hidden agenda is to eliminate rent control and other renter protections so they can make hundreds of millions of dollars by raising rents on seniors and working families. This will have a disastrous impact on our mobile home park residents.
And it gets worse – the problems with Prop. 98 don’t stop with abolishing renter protections and rent control. Hidden provisions also gut environmental protections, jeopardize future water projects needed to improve quality and enhance supply, and would result in frivolous lawsuits, higher taxpayer costs and hurt our economy.
That’s why so many diverse groups and individuals have come out against Prop. 98, California State Association of Counties, California League of Cities, AARP, League of Women Voters of California, California Chamber of Commerce, League of California Homeowners, California Teachers Association, California Professional Firefighters, National Wildlife Federation, California League of Conservation Voters, and the Association of California Water Agencies who see an end to protecting our water quality and increasing its supply. 
A Yes vote on Proposition 99, also on the June ballot, provides constitutional eminent domain protections to homeowners but without the hidden provisions included in Prop. 98. Prop. 99 would prohibit the government from using eminent domain to transfer a home to a private developer. I urge all Sonoma County residents to vote No on 98 and Yes on 99 in June.

Valerie Brown Kenwood
Ms. Brown is Sonoma County District 1 Supervisor.
Praise for the Lhormers

Dear Editor:
I was saddened to discover that Executive Director Marc Lhormer, and his wife and Co-Director, Brenda Lhormer, of the Sonoma Valley Film Festival will not be returning to their positions next year. For the last seven years these two have worked tirelessly with dedication and commitment to excellence to develop our local film festival into a world-class venue.
I can only speak for myself, a film lover through and through, that you will truly be missed. A heartfelt thank you to both of you and your awesome team of volunteers for a job well done once again this year.
Thank you so very much,
Paula L. Gentry

Sonoma Sun | Sonoma, CA