
Letters to the Editor

Posted on June 5, 2008 by Sonoma Valley Sun

Love that chicken news

Editor: I am delighted to see more chicken news in the local papers.
Bob Cannard is right when he asks for a more manageable permit process for people that would like to have backyard chickens. And hurray for the Sonoma City Council for agreeing with Bob.
The trend can be seen and read about in many magazines and newspapers. I have found countless true stories about people that either want chickens or have them already, and not just out in the country. Chickens as pets and egg layers are allowed in numerous cities all over the United States. 
Check the Internet for backyard chickens. You will be amazed. I was – and encouraged – that is why I pursued a permit of some kind that would allow me to keep my chickens here in El Verano, after receiving a notice of violation. This has already been documented in the Sonoma Index Tribune and in the Sonoma Sun newspapers. As a result of this publicity, and Valerie Brown‘s actions, I have been assured that I can now keep my hens, based on Mendocino County’s similar zoning laws. They allow six hens in residential areas. 
So, good – we are still going to be recognized as having the famous chickens with us, to the delight of many tourists. Maybe we will make it back into the national news, as we did 10-plus years ago. Why not?  I have kept all the clippings (and a video) of the chicken goings-on here in Sonoma and El Verano.
And, anyone that has eaten fresh eggs from organic home- raised hens, knows that there is all the difference between those eggs and the supermarket eggs, with their pitiful pale yolks and flat whites.
Chickens, they eat your earwigs and Jerusalem crickets, and all kinds of larva with glee; they leave good fertilizer for your soil (I never, ever, fertilize my yard) and calm you on a stressful day, if you just sit there in the yard. They will come hang out with you, and there will be peace during that precious time while they preen their feathers, stretch out for sunbaths, talk among themselves, and even come up and talk to you in their own little language.
Doreen Proctor
El Verano

Kudos for Joan

Editor: Kudos to The Sun for publishing the article dated May 22 in your “just joan” column entitled “just questioning.”  These were very provocative questions regarding many of the unanswered issues relative to the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center. 
This is the first time I’ve seen the issues presented in the print media and have therefore assumed it is partly due to its resistance to appear “unpatriotic.” I was especially intrigued in seeing long-lost brother Marvin Bush’s involvement in print, as I have only seen his name mentioned once before, in a book written by David Ray Griffin entitled “The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions,” published in 2005. I have one more question for Joan’s column. Why didn’t the 9/11 Commission interview Marvin Bush, director, and his cousin Wirt Walker III, CEO, of the security company in charge at the World Trade Center during the period from 1999 until January 2002?   
Many thanks for allowing journalism of this quality to appear in your newspaper. Thank you Joan Huguenard for making it happen. I look forward to reading more columns of this quality presented by The Sun.
 Richard Gistelli

Not so fast,
Joan disciples

Editor:Wow. To all you recent disciples of Just Joan and her conspiracy theories- let it be said that you are plain and simple whackos. Absolute nut jobs, and I mean that with the deepest affection and reverence. What a wonderful country we live in that allows such nonsensical “free speech.” Although it is impossible to take you seriously, I appreciate your taking the time out of your clearly busy schedules to grace the rest of us with your opinions and insight from Crazyland.
I’d like an answer from you liberals – why do you hate America so? Please, just tell me how you have it so bad, and why you despise the United States. Explain to the rest of us why you are so consumed with hatred for your government and all things red, white and blue. I really want to learn what makes you tick, because it’s getting harder and harder to feel sorry for you and your neuroses.
Doug Nickle
It’s for the kids

Editor: As the President of New Leaders Institute, a nonprofit educational organization, it was a pleasure to read the very insightful and accurate article that Joan Huguenard wrote about our upcoming course, June 11-14. She was able to take the work that we do with kids and relate it to her own life when she was in high school, and she was able to capture the essence of what we have to offer to the future new leaders in this community.
As we design the course and connect with the agencies, I have had the opportunity to recognize and appreciate all the wonderful work that is being done here. This course is an answer to some of the problems that face our youth in this area, and it goes without saying that without spreading the word through clear, honest communication, we would not succeed. Thank you Joan, on behalf of New Leaders Institute and all the kids that will benefit.
Linda Lea

Sonoma Sun | Sonoma, CA