
Letters to the Editor

Posted on June 12, 2008 by Sonoma Valley Sun

Open your eyes

Editor: The letter writer of June 5 (“Not so fast, Joan disciples”) is obviously one of the many Americans who is using the American flag as a blanket to pull over his head to avoid opening his eyes and seeing what is going on around him. Not unlike the Germans who supported Hitler. There are many issues that have been brought to light and the truth [has] been known and proven, i.e.: WMD in Iraq­—there were none!
We “liberals,” or whatever you would like to call us, are protecting those who are too afraid to question. Too afraid to believe that our government could actually have a different agenda, other than protecting the American people. We “liberals” are interested in the truth. Not the “truth” our government wants us to believe, but the actual truth. Patriotism is not doing as you are told. It is standing for the morals and values that this country was founded on, and that includes questioning your government when you feel that they are not reflecting those morals and values.
Conspiracy? There are many instances in our country’s history where our government has manipulated the truth, or flat-out lied to the American people. Why could that not be happening now? What I honestly find offensive in reading statements like the writer’s is the arrogance in ignorance and the fear of the truth. Open your eyes and look out from under the stars and stripes, and just maybe you will see the truth.

Michelle Mayer

Encourages understanding of energy issues

Editor: High gas prices are an indicator of energy shortfalls. Yet we have abundant options. We also have concerns over waste storage and climate change. China and the rest of the developing world’s population have an expanding industrial base and this will continue to drive energy demand. Use of coal, oil, hydroelectric and nuclear energy is rapidly growing around the earth. Broader understanding of these issues can enrich your life and help you to participate in the important decisions we all have to make to ensure an abundant supply of energy.
To view a comparative table of electric energy costs, both capital and operating, with Internet clickable references, visit online.
Expand your understanding of our options without leaving home!
John Dunning

Free press needs open minds

Editor: Last week I (and a few others) applauded your paper and Joan Huguenard’s courageous questions surrounding 911. My letter asked only one thing and that was for anyone who wanted to respond to please research the questions BEFORE writing to the editor.
My challenge to anyone who still believes that we were the victims of a “terrorist attack” in 2001, is to open your minds to the information that has become available in the ensuing 7 years. You may not like what you find but you will be at least be informed and hopefully use the information to assist in making the changes we all have to make so this doesn’t ever happen ever again. It is no longer about them and us – we are all in this together. And it will begin with restoring a truly free press on which this country was founded.
Donna Waugh Campbell

Sonoma Sun | Sonoma, CA