Take action
Editor: I’m going to Reno next weekend, and I’m not gambling. I’m not playing the slots, and I’m not leaving our country’s future to chance. I don’t want to gamble on the possibility that we might have another four years of preemptive war, corporate handouts and inaction on our greatest challenge: global warming. I’m going to Reno to talk to voters in the swing state of Nevada, so that our next president is Barack Obama. If you’re also nervous, angry, or frustrated: take action. Contact www.barackobama.com today.
May Boeve
Bipartisan effort
Editor: There are less than two months to go until the election to decide the next president of the United States. The person elected will be the president of all Americans, not just the Democrats or the Republicans. Accordingly, a bipartisan effort is being launched to get all Americans to show their support for the candidate of their choice and bring all Americans together to celebrate the right to vote.
Participation is easy: Those who support the Obama/Biden ticket will be driving with their headlights on during the day. Those supporting the Palin/McCain ticket will be driving with their headlights off at night.
Bob Edwards
Supports Peter Hohorst for hospital board
Editor: We would like to let the people of Sonoma know of our full support for Peter Hohorst for the Sonoma Valley Hospital Board. We have known Peter and worked with him for many years and can attest to the fact that he is not only hard working but talented in so many ways.
His leadership qualities have been proven in his many executive positions in both the professional and volunteer arena. He does not hesitate to make a decision, even if it is not popular. He does his homework, so he makes these decisions based on the facts and what he feels is best for the people he is working for. This has come to be a unique quality and Peter exemplifies this commitment to working for what is right, not just expedient.
Peter also has a great sense of humor. As we know from personal experience, this is necessary to help get you through the rough times when you are working at a sometimes thankless volunteer job doing what you think is best. This has been the saving grace for many a volunteer under attack.
One of the many qualities that Peter has that uniquely qualify him for this job is his belief that everyone’s opinion counts. He may not agree with you, and we have disagreed at times, but he respects your opinion and is willing to take that opinion into account before he reaches a decision.
Peter’s love of this community has shown itself in many ways over the years – from leadership roles at the Community Center to his long and sometimes arduous volunteer work with the hospital.
Finally, Peter is first and foremost a gentleman in the finest sense of the word.
Kathy and Al Mazza
Bike lanes need repaving
Editor: As a longtime Sonoma bike rider, I applaud the Sonoma Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvement Plan recently approved by the City Council. I also want to thank those who put on the Sonoma/Springs Bicycle Festival last week to raise community awareness. Gas is expensive and polluting. We need to do all we can, and riding a bike whenever possible in this small valley is one thing many of us can do to help the cause. So. I have to ask in public the question I have put to some sympathetic members of the city government: Why did Caltrans get away with paving only the car driving lanes of Broadway!? Anyone who has ever ridden a bike up the entrance to our city knows that the same washboard surface that disturbed the cars is not only unpleasant but dangerously bumpy to a bike rider. While we try to use the wonderful, although limited, bike paths, sometimes you just need to use Broadway to get there.
I looked forward to the new paving for weeks, as the surface has often made me feel out of control or at least afraid I was going to break my teeth. But they didn’t pave the parking lanes and turn lanes – which are, of course, BIKE LANES for a half-dozen blocks – saving the state all sorts of money no doubt. (I mean, look at the sad “repair” of the road further south where they merely dribbled some tar into cracks, leaving wrenching pot holes behind unfilled.) The city sent me to the “resident engineer” of Caltrans to voice my complaint, but my phone message there has gone unanswered.
Can the City fight Caltrans and use some of the $278,000 in redevelopment funds to pave the lanes of major streets such as Broadway and Napa TO THE CURB so the bicycles have a safe place to ride? Or are we supposed to ride out in the nicely paved car lane (at great peril no doubt) or on the sidewalk? This is no time in our history to save money at the expense of bike riders. We are trying to do the right thing. Give us a break!
Anne Shapiro