Features ~ Sonoma Valley Sun


‘Witchie Poo’ returns to the Sebastiani Theatre

Posted on October 16, 2008 by Sonoma Valley Sun

At a quarter-century and counting, the venerated Witchie Poo Halloween Extravaganza returns to the Sebastiani Theatre with “Poosical, the Musical.” The annual Halloween-themed music, magic, comedy and dance revue features a cavalcade of characters and satiric renditions of popular musicals. Among the numbers are “Dream Ghouls,” “Jersey Beasts,” “Scarespray,” “Magic Man Superstar” and “My Fair Lemmie” – in tribute to the titular witch’s sidekick, Lemmie.
Also appearing in this year’s production are Jake and Elwood, the Cruise Brothers, who attempt to hijack the production. Likewise, Skeleton Jack, an annual favorite, returns as do Pedro, Count Napoleon Flatula, Flatulina Jolie and the farsighted beauty contest winner, Princess Fiona. Roger Rhoten reprises his alter-ego, the Magic Man, joined onstage by Tobias (a.k.a the Mystic Man) to perform feats of magic and derring-do. All the while, the Sebastiani Theatre itself is in full Halloween drag, thanks to the efforts of design artist Susan Bellach.
Matinees play at 2 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 18, 19, 25 and 26, at the Sebastiani Theatre, 476 First St. E. in Sonoma. Costumed attendees are eligible for prize drawings. Tickets are $9 for adults and $6 for children (12 and under) and seniors (62 and better). Visa and Mastercard accepted. Tickets can be purchased by calling the Sebastiani Theatre at 707.996.9756 or at Readers’ Books.

Sonoma Sun | Sonoma, CA