Features ~ Sonoma Valley Sun


It’s a wrap!

Posted on April 10, 2009 by Sonoma Valley Sun

©Patrice Ward 2009
Interview: Bruce Willis

There are great questions you can ask Bruce Willis.
“With a career of 50 movies, why did you choose ‘Mortal Thoughts’ as your favorite for the Sonoma International Film Festival?”
“After a busy March – your birthday on the 19th, your wedding on the 21st and your ski lodge burning down last Monday – what’s on the agenda for April?”
“Where do you and Kevin McNeely go when hanging out in Sonoma?”
You once said, “I wake up laughing every morning” – is that still true?
You also said that you hate government and are apolitical. What are your thoughts about the new Obama leadership?
You wore a bright orange suit on the David Letterman show in support of Christo’s “The Gates” art display. What other art do you like?
Your daughter has a tattoo of the phrase, “Be Present.” What is the significance?

Unfortunately, when you are able to interview Bruce, the time for deep probing questions is limited; you are competing with people from Entertainment Tonight and other paparazzi, people who are not the politest folks in the room. Luckily, the good reporter also comes armed with a quiver of quick questions that can be fired off while trailing the star around the interview site.

Lakers or Nets?
Skiing or snowboarding?
London or Paris?
Pot or booze?
Foie gras or peanut butter?
New York or LA?
Suits or jeans?

Sure, these questions are light, but when you are crafting a memorable interview from a difficult situation, innovation is the key.

Also when one interviews Bruce it is not usually sitting down in a controlled environment unless you are Aimee Mann and you have a planned interview as part of the film festival. Mann was chosen by Kevin McNeely to talk with Bruce while he received his Lifetime Achievement award. It was the traditional array of filmmaking questions like, “How was your audition for ‘Die Hard’? What was it like working with (insert name of important co-star here)? Talk about the experience of making films …” Nice questions, good for award presentations.

So, when you are finally able to talk with Bruce, it is an environment where you get five minutes with six other local reporters in the wine room of the Estate restaurant. You immediately realize that innovation is in order.
First question from another reporter, “Why this guy (pointing to Kevin McNeely)? What is it about Kevin?”
Willis, flashing that familiar smirk, “Have you ever seen him in a Speedo?”
“The banana hanger,” you add, trying to enter the lively discourse.
“Okay, go, and a question would be?” says Bruce, giving you a look like, “Taking it too far, mister.”
Next question from the same reporter, “The next ‘Die Hard’?”
Willis looking up philosophically, “I hope it’s a cartoon so I don’t have to get banged around as much. But I think I got one more in me.”
Finally, you pounce, “Lakers or Nets?”
“Celtics, baby” he answers, putting you at ease finally.
Another reporter chimes in,” Why did you choose ‘Mortal Thoughts’ for the film festival.” Great, now they’re stealing your questions.
Willis says, “It was an independent film, a different one, not so structured, no money, it really holds up over time, it was fun, I got to cuss, which always helps.”
“Do you still wake up laughing?” you ask quickly, getting the hang of the situation now.
Willis says, “Every day, still wake up laughing every day, I highly recommend it.” He makes eye contact and you know he liked the question.
He is asked by the other reporter which of his movies sucked.
“Do you want a list?” he replies. “I’d say 15-20%. All good experiences but the ones that suck are the most challenging. Yeah, and thank you for asking that …”
You throw in, “Suits or jeans?” Bruce is dressed impeccably in a dark suit.
“Jeans, T-shirts, socks, and boxer briefs,” he answers. More information than you wanted but you’ll take it. “C’mon, let’s go get a drink.” One of the handlers opens the door of the Estate wine cellar room and you return to the throngs of Sonoma VIPs waiting for a little Bruce schmooze.
He kisses babies, takes pictures with locals and sits down for a little nosh with his new wife. You keep throwing in the questions,
“Skiing or snowboarding?”
Willis: “Definitely skiing”
“New York or LA?”
Willis: “I’m a New York guy.”
“Pot or booze?”
No answer but he flashes another smirk.
You get tired of asking questions and return to the patio. The party breaks up and you walk out to your car. You talk with a local photographer then see Bruce walking toward his limo.
“Foie gras or peanut butter?” you scream.
“Peanut butter,” Willis yells back.
You smile, knowing you got the real story.

Sonoma Sun | Sonoma, CA