Affordable Housing
Editor: When local governments fail to support state legislators on bills supporting affordable housing, it gets easy for them to get discouraged.
We need council support in Sonoma to move on the Hwy. 12 development, to see that we get the best housing element we can, and to move on the “senior only” ordinance as soon as possible. Of course these are all related to affordable housing.
City staff and council members must talk with affordable housing groups and advocates, manufactured housing residences and support groups; this is a must to obtain the affordable housing we need in Sonoma.
Sam DiGiacomo
Editor: Just had to say the Sun paper does work.
I put an ad in for my stolen rock cement heads and on Tuesday a guy (Rick) turned them in. I was so happy & thankful he found them in his yard across town and had seen the ad for their return to my yard safely.
He was a Sonoma good old boy. I even went to school with him.
I’m glad to see Sonoma people are real people and do stick together.
Thank you again, Rick.
Todd Maffioli
No attack, but no dispensary
Editor: As the writer of “No to dispensaries,” to which Ken Brown responded last week, I would ask him to read again my letter and show me any attack words addressed to him or his family. As stated in my letter I am not against medical marijuana but against a dispensary in Sonoma. Both my parents died of pancreatic cancer and if marijuana was available then I would have gone any distance to secure their prescription and supply.
Mr. Brown, your choice of words such as “cruel and uninformed” are totally without merit. Is it cruel to suggest Sonoma isn’t the place for a dispensary? Am I uninformed because many Sonomans don’t want a dispensary in a town with less than ten thousand citizens? I would be happy to come to your next meeting and discuss my letter. Your “whining’’ to the other council members as mentioned in the Sun was out of line. You were voted in to address the needs of the citizens of Sonoma; not to pursue your own agenda.
Like a lot of politicians, Mr. Brown, your skin is too thick when it comes to people that don’t agree with your point of view. I hope your wife recovers and if the use of marijuana helps her I’m all for it. Again, read the letter.
Fred Martin