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Letters to the Editor

Thank you
It is that time of the year again where we need to tip our hats and offer a big “thank you” to Jim and Angie Cahoon and their staff at their Cal-Italia Restaurant. Jim and Angie offered a free dinner to all veterans of the armed services on Wednesday, May 27, celebrating Memorial Day.
There were many veterans who took advantage of this very patriotic offer. A great dinner and wine was enjoyed by all who attended. Thanks again, Jim and Angie.
Bill and Rose Marie Randall

Brown listens
Editor: I sent this letter to County Supervisor Brown …
Dear Supervisor Brown,

I have not always seen eye to eye with you, on issues concerning Sonoma County, but today I am proud to call you my Supervisor! Thank you for listening to the groundswell of concerned citizens upset about the placement of the Dutra plant in Petaluma.
Today, the voices of many, the voices of mothers (momsforcleanair) were listened to. This is again … another example that each person can make a difference, but only if you believe it and care!
Thank you Sonoma citizens for caring, thank you Supervisor for listening.
Yannick A. Phillips
Constituent of
Supervisor Brown

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