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Letters to the Editor

Thanks Mentoring Alliance
Dear Mrs. Kathy W., Director of “Mentor” Program, By means of this letter, I’d like to thank you, the Stand By Me Mentor Program, and all the wonderful people that contribute financially and their time to the young people of the Sonoma Valley.  After two years of being on the waitlist, my son, Gabriel, now has a mentor.  This has brought almost three months of joy into my son’s life, and mine.  I have so much to thank the Mentor Program for because all I was asking for was a male figure to talk to my son, to find a guide and someone he could trust.  The waiting was worth it!  Now that my son has a mentor, since the first week, I was able to see the change in him.  He seems more secure of himself, his self-esteem is high, he shows more interest in his class, his character has changed, now he is a happy kid and it shows.  Gabriel talks more, jokes with me and now he has a new friend, who teaches him how things work in life.
Thank you very much to Jim (he is Gabriel’s mentor) and thanks to Mrs. Randi at the Flowery Mentor Center for all of her work in the program, and to all those who work to change people’s lives with their time and their big hearts.

Alicia Olvera
Gabriel’s mom

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