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Letters to the editor

Give Center a hand
The photo spread in Friday’s Sun shows just a glimpse of the fun that was had at the party. Good music and community spirit was had by all. But from a crowd estimated at 5,000, the Community Center received only slightly over $1,000! Come on Sonoma, we can do better than that!
How about next year, the folks who roped off large sections of prime real estate in front of the bandstand kick in a buck or five per square foot for the privilege? Just a thought.
George Paul

Response to
Dear Letter Writer

(Editor’s note: The following is in response to a letter which ran in the July 31 edition of the Sun.)
Editor: I have no idea where you were born, but definitely your name is of French descent. Why do you have to take England and Canada as example of “good” single-payer systems? These two systems are the lowest in the industrialized countries, pertaining to health care.
Why don’t you make some research about the “good” ones, like Germany, France and Spain? You might be surprised – if you take the time to remove your head from the sand, of course.
Furthermore, what do you think Medicare is? Single-payer system and according to my experience it works pretty well.
Indeed letter writer, I exclaim, “You can’t be serious!”
Paulette Hruska

Editor: A recent letter writer has it all wrong. Referring to proposed single payer care, no competition, no choice is totally incorrect. There are so many untruths being flung around. Nothing is perfect, but being 37th on the World Health Organization list, and paying approximately twice what any other developed industrialized nation pays for universal health care, is a little too far from perfect.
Also, I lived in England for many years. Of course things are not perfect there, but nobody goes bankrupt paying for their health care, and personally I never found anything wrong with the health service. If ever I felt too ill to go to the doctor’s office he would come to my home, and just before I moved to the United States my appendix was troubling me, and the doctor said, “We had better take it out now, they will charge you an arm and a leg in the States!”  He was correct, and of course I never paid anything for the operation or hospital stay.
Shirley Clark

Yes, I want to join other community members in signing the Parent/Community Pledge.
• I will not serve alcohol to minors or allow youth under 21 to consume alcohol or use other drugs on my property.
• When hosting a party, I will be home, visible and aware.
• I will not allow teen parties or gatherings at my home when I am not there.
• I will share this information with my child/children.
Your name(s): ___________________________________________________
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