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… Long Live the King! | New ownership for Sonoma Valley Sun

… Long Live the King!
I’ve always enjoyed the traditional English saying when a change in government had occurred: “The King is dead. Long live the King.”

That’s kind of how I feel today, with this issue of the Sun signifying such a change. The old king in this case is Three House MultiMedia, Inc., which in its heyday included a video division, an ad house, and a glossy magazine. That breadth was unsustainable, particularly in the recent difficult economic times, and the corporation has not survived. Yet the Sun, obviously, lives on, and you’re reading the first issue from the new king, Sonoma Valley Sun, Inc., which has purchased the assets of Three House and plans to continue publication.

The one constant in life, it’s said, is that there is no constant. Situations change, people’s lives change, and businesses live and die. For those of us who love our lives here in Sonoma Valley and who enjoy its diversity of seasons, produce and people, the Sun has been, to follow the original motto, a source of warm-hearted stories, a bright light on news and information, and the word of truth as best we knew it.

So it pleases me to know that the Sun will continue to shine, and I particularly want the community to know that the financial difficulties that felled Three House had no impact on the activities of CommonBond Foundation. That local nonprofit has for more than a decade put on language immersion camps for local youth, has since 2004 run the local radio station KSVY 91.3 FM, and has since 2007 managed the local cable channel SVTV Comcast 27. CommonBond will continue to serve the Sonoma Valley community in all these ways.

Thank you, Sonoma, for your warm welcome to the Sun and for your support over the last six years. May the Sun continue to brighten your days and warm your lives.
Bill Hammett, Founder
Sonoma Valley Sun

New ownership for Sonoma Valley Sun
New owners — same dependable, entertaining, community-minded Sun.

We, a small group of employees intent on making The Sun a small business success story, are pleased to announce the purchase of all assets from Three House MultiMedia, Inc., including this website and the Thursday newspaper.

Sonoma Valley Sun, Inc., the new publisher, appreciates the courage and community spirit shown by Bill Hammett, former publisher and owner of The Sun, who began publishing this newspaper more than five years ago. “What?” people wondered then. “Another paper in Sonoma?” Well, yes, and we’re glad. The fresh outlook has been delightful, as has the thoughtful attention to embodying the brash motto: “Warmth. Light. Truth.”

We look forward to continuing to serve this community, infusing the enterprise with more relevance to the way Sonoma Valley residents have come to live. The Sun is not just print. Not just Web. Today we recognize that our friends and neighbors get news and information informally, too, and Sonoma Valley Sun, Inc., will strive to meet those needs with active use of Facebook and other social networking media.

We also plan an expanded partnership with the local FM and TV channels through a new contract with CommonBond Foundation to solicit sponsorships and to promote the non-commercial programming of government meetings, sports contests and cultural events.

Thanks, Sonoma Valley, for sharing your lives with us. The best is yet to come!
– Barney La Haye, Kelly Magner, Jody Purdom and Val Robichaud