Editor’s note: The Sun ran a letter to the editor last week criticizing Kate Williams’ column. As a newspaper, we stand behind Kate as well as our other columnists and this week, her fans have come forward in a show of support which is evident by this sampling of letters As always, we welcome your comments along with your criticisms.
Standing up for Kate Williams
Editor: I disagree with the A. M. Morgan who criticized Kate Williams and her column. I think Williams is an astute, sensitive, and talented writer. In a democracy it is not necessary to agree with every literal thing a writer says but to understand and appreciate the spirit and intent in which it is said.
As far as I can see Williams’ writing has always been factual, straightforward and never insulting or vulgar. Too bad more columnists are not as professional.
I look forward weekly to Williams columns as I look forward to the other columns in your paper.
Thank you for the quality,
Linda L. Lawson
A Williams’ fan
Editor: Contrary to A. M. Morgan in the letter dated March 4, I always enjoy reading the Kate Williams column and often clip it out to share with friends in Marin. I have even sent a few to my daughter in Paris. So keep on writing, dear Kate, you do have many devoted fans in the community.
Chris von Rosen
Another avid reader
Editor: It’s strange to read such a cheap attack on a columnist. It seems that A. M. Morgan, the letter writer has a personal gripe with Kate Williams. Columnists such as Williams have a responsibility to write from the position of personal observation and in doing so bring to the readers a perspective worthy of being read. Morgan initially states the Williams’ columns are “disturbing” and finishes the criticism by self-contradicting “mundane.”
I’ve been a regular reader of Williams’ column ever since she was first published in The Sun. She writes well, not poorly, and who are you, A. M. Morgan to judge such? As to pedantic, maybe her columns have too much substance for you to absorb, but in reality I think you just want to take a personal shot for whatever your shallow reasons may be. You even corroborate this by stating her column has caused you not to subscribe. She writes one article per week in a large regular publication so her column must have a deeper impact than you give credit for if it has caused you to ignore the entire paper.
David Ian Robbins
More kudos
Editor: I’ve been meaning to write this for a long time, and a recent letter in you paper got me in gear:
The main reason I make sure to get the latest editions of The Sun on Thursdays is to read Kate Williams column. I think she is a fine writer, whether humorous or serious, and hope she continues. I loved her recent observations of living in Boyes Hot Springs.
Sincerely, a fan,
Gael del Mar
Boyes Hot Springs
Boy Scout Troop 63 alive and well
Editor: Last week’s full-page announcement about Boy Scouting in the Sonoma Valley was great. However, Troop 63 with Boy Scouts hailing from Sonoma, The Springs, and Glen Ellen was omitted. Troop 63 Scouts meet twice monthly at the Dunbar School gym and range in age from 12-18. They engage in outdoor activities – backpacking and camping in particular – and perform service projects throughout the Valley. The troop’s scouts have trekked to the Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico every other year and have attended the Scouting World Jamboree in England. Most boys in the troop stick with Scouting, earning their Eagle Scout rank. I’m very proud to be the parent of one of these Eagles. Boy Scout Troop 63 welcomes new scouts. For more information on this outstanding group of young people contact Tim McGee, Scoutmaster at 935.6250 or troop63@mmconsult.com.
Denise Fowler-Horsfall