Inspired by Scouts
Editor, At the Memorial Day observance, I was proud to see neighbors and friends marching in as veterans. Each branch of service was represented, their service acknowledged by applause.
Then came the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts, most in familiar khaki uniforms. Not to read too much into it, but it seemed the enthusiastic applause that greeted them was as much encouragement as appreciation for what Scouts have always stood for. Principals like duty, honor and country.
I personally have no one in Scouts, but observing their community service on that day, I felt a sense of pride in those young people. In these permissive times, you feel there’s hope for our country.
Rep. Lynn Woolsey does not share that sense of pride. She has proposed revoking the federal charter for the Boy Scouts of America. I don’t underestimate the potential of her proposal; Woolsey’s 18 years in Congress gives her significant clout.
Jim Judd is a primary candidate for Woolsey’s seat in Congress. Recently I questioned him about his views on Scouts. He himself is a former scout, and the proud grandson of an Eagle Scout. It is those principles of duty honor and country that have led Jim Judd to seek public office.
June England,
Opposes Watmaugh Road bridge replacement
The following letter was sent to Valerie Brown, chair of the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors.
Dear Supervisor Brown,
The Sonoma Valley Woman’s Club was founded in 1901 on the principles of community, preservation and history. We own and meet in a historic building in Sonoma and appreciate our early roots of beautification of the plaza, reclamation of the Mission and other community projects. Based on these principles we strongly urge you to reconsider the project to tear down the 1929 Watmaugh Bridge to build a new one, and revisit rehabilitation of this wonderful bridge. Bridges in Sonoma County are systematically being replaced; some with good reason, but this particular bridge – according to experts – can be rehabilitated. The only reason rehab is not a consideration is that Federal Stimulus Funds are available only for removal and replacement. We should not tear down this bridge simply because someone will pay us to do so. Once the bridge is gone, another piece of our Valley history goes with it.
Additionally the proposed new bridge will increase traffic on this rural road already overburdened with truck traffic and speeders. We were told that the formula to rate speed on the proposed bridge would set the limit at 55 mph, 10 mph more than is rated today. Several neighbors’ driveways enter and exit at the bridge with little visibility. Increasing the traffic and speeds on the bridge and road will turn this road into a thoroughfare – something the Valley and these neighbors do not need.
We strongly urge you to reconsider the plans to tear down the Watmaugh Road bridge and revisit the original plan to rehabilitate and extend the life of this historic reminder of how beautiful our Valley was and is.
The Sonoma Valley
Woman’s Club
574 First St. East
Sonoma, CA. 95476
Halt all oil drilling
Editor: Most of our friends and neighbors in Sonoma are becoming increasingly troubled by the horrendous oil gusher spreading across the Gulf that now threatens to become our nation’s worst environmental nightmare. Each day the size and scope of this catastrophe grows, contradicting previous reports that the disaster is under control and not to worry.
What troubles us as much as the environmental disaster are the daily disclosures of decisions and actions, or inactions, on the part of BP and our governmental agencies that document that corporate greed and governmental complicity are clearly responsible for this disaster and for the death of oil workers and the destruction of our marine and wetland eco systems.
We believe it is time to end our nation’s failed energy policy that puts energy company profits and greed ahead of our people and our environment, and we believe it is time to end the complicity in this outrageous miscarriage of our democracy by our government agencies and our elected leaders.
We welcome President Obama’s temporary halt on all drilling and his call for an independent investigation, but that is only a first step back toward sanity. The next logical step is to permanently ban all offshore drilling and to revoke Shell Oil’s permits to drill in Alaska’s Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, planned for this summer.
Most importantly, we need to stop letting oil companies determine energy policy. Instead, it is time for an accelerated investment in a clean and safe energy future that protects the world from the worst effects of climate change and the worst features of corporate greed.
Fran Dayan and Richard Ridenour