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Letters to the Editor

Fan mail for Sun food columnist
Editor: Thank you to Kristin for her article! I am the wife of a Station 1 firefighter and I loved her article. So many people in the community don’t realize how hard these guys work, or what their lives are like at the firehouse. Thanks to Kristin for sharing a peek into their day.
I also appreciate the mention of the fireworks. We are currently trying to raise donations for the fireworks and the biggest misinformation is that the city (or the Community Center) pays for the fireworks. Our lovely fireworks show is paid for SOLELY by donations from members of our community. So again, thank you!

Kate Molesworth

Practice restraint during parade
Editor: I’d like to share a memory with you. It’s one of my favorites. Many years ago, for the fourth, the city would erect bleachers in the park across from the cheese factory. At the time, this was the place to see the parade. This was also the place to get hosed by the fire truck. Seriously, they would turn the turn the nozzle on and spray the crowd. It was beautiful. One minute your roasting in the sun, and the next, sweet sweet hose water. Now I realize not everyone likes water. We all know what happened to the wicked witch. But she was wicked. Good people don’t melt when exposed to water. (a lot of them actually enjoy it.) I always thought the water fights between schell vista, the city, and the crowd were the highlights of the parade. Something unexpected. I hope to see more.
Now I’m going to share a less pleasant memory. A couple years ago I got up really early and rolled downtown with my family. We brought a couple blankets and a small cooler. I figured getting up at the crack of dawn would ensure us a decent spot to see the parade, but, alas. What I found when I got there were folding chairs lining the sidewalks from end to end. In one case, I counted 12 chairs cable locked together, with no one there. I was enraged. What greedy jackalope would lay claim to such a broad swath of our public property and not even have the decency to sit and stake claim. I figure they set up the night before, and were still in bed. Grrr. I wanted to pick up those chairs and toss them in the duckpond. But that wouldn’t have been fair to the ducks. Come on people, on this day especially, practice restraint?  Leave some for others? I’m pretty sure the founding fathers would have tea partied your chairs right into the water. Ducks or no ducks.

Donovan Martini
Boyes Hot Springs

An act of compassion and kindness
Editor: I would appreciate an opportunity to thank Michael Robertori and Theresa Deere, proprietors of Villa Terrazzo, Patio & Home of Sonoma, for donating the beautiful teak bench in loving memory of the Maloney family. Not only were they willing to honor the family with this bench, they were also accommodating in terms of the delivery schedule. They both possess an incredible sense of compassion, generosity, human kindness and spirit.
The loss of the family has left a huge void, not only in our neighborhood, but encompasses so many individuals in the community at large.
Hopefully, the memory of our truly remarkable friends and neighbor will live on through the stunning gardens and benches the community of Sonoma has so willingly and selflessly provided for our pleasure and healing purposes.

Christopher and Terry Rowland

Vote the rascals out
So you are angry about the drugs being smuggled over our border, and our country being invaded by illegal aliens from all over the world, and the human trafficking. Well wake up people it is our fault! We buy the drugs, we hire the labor, and we pay for the underage prostitutes.
We here in the U.S.A. who do not do drugs, pay slave labor wages or ruin the lives of young girls and boys have not stood tall! We have not demanded that the politicians that we voted for, both state and federal, do the job that has to be done. We have not held them accountable and we have ourselves to blame. I am ashamed of us all!
For crying out loud we fought and won a two front war in the 40’s against two of the world’s best militaries. We faced down the USSR. We sent men to the moon and brought them back. Securing our borders and denying illegal access to our country is not rocket science. All it takes is for us to mean business. Those politicians that have not done right by us should be voted out and shown the door. The old adage “Republicans want the labor and the Democrats want the vote” is no doubt a big part of the problem. A pox on both their houses! I am sure that there are many more odious reasons for the status quo that we are unaware of.
Let’s give those new people of all political persuasions the chance to get our country back on track. “Vote the rascals out” is a time-honored theme that we must reenergize. Please, for our children’s and grandchildren’s sake get yourselves to the voting booth in November and “do the right thing!”
Roger Jack Young

Praise for Ze Show
Editor: Theater is alive in Sonoma! It is creative, engaging, stimulating and in the case of Ze Show, hilarious. Ze Show is a compilation of humorous bits about theater from hit Broadway shows. The casting – sparkling youth and seasoned professionals – under the superb direction of Cat Austin and Philip Sales, present a tight, delightful performance. The costumes, lights and music underscore the adept comic timing.
Andrews Hall, now a bona fide theater space thanks to donations and determination of Sonoma Stage Works is another feature of the play. Ze Show, a CAPS Production, is a perfect kick-off for the inaugural season of Sonoma Stage Works.
My theater background is extensive; consequently I tend to eschew local theater having been disappointed too many times. But Ze Show lured me back, and I’m not planning on leaving any time soon. I urge you all to rush the doors for a ticket to see community theater at its finest. Ze Show, Andrews Hall and Sonoma Stage Works are worth boasting about.

Diane Rawicz

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