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New director of Curriculum &  Instruction released from contract

Due to compelling personal reasons, recently named Director of Curriculum & Instruction Kathleen Biermann had been released from her contract with the Sonoma Valley Unified School District. Following this news, the district announced that Lynn Fitzpatrick from the Sonoma County Office of Education will fill the position, pending formal Board approval. 

Many of the district’s certificated staff members have worked with Fitzpatrick over the past three years in her role as a member of the Sonoma County Achievement Team (SoCat). She has collaborated with both teachers and administrators at all levels of the organization and said she appreciates the obvious community support enjoyed by our schools.

Prior to her work as a language arts specialist with SoCAT, Fitzpatrick served as an english teacher, a literacy coach and the curriculum coordinator with Santa Rosa City Schools as well as a two-year term as educator in residence with Sonoma State University’s School of Education. Fitzpatrick possesses an unparalleled track record in working with staff to improve student achievement in numerous Sonoma County schools.  She also brings an extensive background in special education, having worked as a resource specialist at both the middle school and high school levels over a period of more than twenty years. 

Fitzpatrick graduated from UC Davis and earned both a Master’s degree in Curriculum, Teaching and Learning, and later, an Administrative Credential, from Sonoma State.  She is currently pursuing a Doctoral degree in Educational Leadership back on the UC Davis campus.