A law inspired by Assemblymember Jared Huffman’s annual ‘Oughta Be a Law’ contest calling for stronger oil spill prevention measures is on the Governor’s desk
According to Huffman, the legislation calls for a precautionary boom to be placed around vessels fueling in California waters. It also calls for an increase in existing oil fees to ensure adequate funds for the state’s oil spill prevention and response efforts.
The law would also commission a report on safeguards for offshore drilling and response plans in the event of major rig failure to avoid a Gulf Coast-like spill off California’s shores.
“Oil spill clean-up, coupled with lost revenues from fishing and tourism, costs millions of dollars that can never be recouped,” said Huffman. “We cannot leave California defenseless against oil spills, especially in the wake of the Gulf Coast catastrophe.”
According to state figures, over the last two years, there have been seven oil spills across California’s coast during or as a result of marine oil transfers. On only one occasion did the transfer have a boom in place.
AB 234 was inspired by two constituents, J.T. Wick of Petaluma and Phil Peterson of Novato. The Governor has until September 30 to take action on the bill.
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