Editor: The Glen Ellen Fair is just around the corner on October 10, 2010. The community has really rallied to make this fair extra special under the guidance of Mary Ann Carr. It’s the 20th anniversary of the fair and will be filled with many food booths, gifts, goods and information. The parade begins at 11 a.m. and the fair continues until 5 p.m. The Grand Marshall is Johnn “King Daddy” Murphy, who also plays with EZ Kool, one of the bands featured at the fair this year. Other bands being featured are Tudo Bem, The Solcats and Michael Hinton Band.
The very special artwork for this year’s T-shirt was created by Archie Horton and features our historic cannon. Please bring the kids to visit Kids’ Alley which will also feature a cake walk!
For more information about the fair, please contact Mary Ann Carr at maryanncarr@earthlink.net
Jeannie Fitzsimons
Glen Ellen
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