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Questions for candidates

Editor: Here are some questions that weren’t asked at the recent city council candidates forum:

1. Martin Luther King, Jr. questioned when a man would be judged by the content of his character (surely not meant as gender specific). Putting aside what a candidate says are her/his goals, listing bona fides and stating what issues are paramount, what could be of more importance to a voter than the character of the person running for office?

2. Candidate Tom Rouse is Director of Sales for the Pom Wonderful Co., which is currently being sued by the FDA for making false statements about the curative properties and health benefits of its product. Mr. Rouse may well be a fine and upstanding member of the community, but would he agree that it’s in the public interest to know his response, thoughts and feelings, about  the FDA’s lawsuit regarding his company’s false claims?

3. Candidate Mike Gillaspie is a Human Resources Manager for Target Stores. Target has funded a PAC to the tune of $150,000 to the campaign of a gubernatorial candidate in Minnesota running on an anti-gay marriage platform, and Target has also funded anti-gay marriage propositions. What are his responses to his company’s anti-gay measures?

4. Candidate Fred Martin has an ad running claiming “no hidden agendas.” Is he suggesting by this that there are candidates who have hidden agendas? If so, who are these candidates, Mr. Martin, and what are their agendas?
5. Sonoma has twice been bitterly divided over the Constitutional issue of the separation of church and state, i.e., having a creche on the public land of the Plaza. Question: Do any of the candidates intend to revisit this twice-settled matter?

Lastly, council candidates seem to revel in touting their business experience even though civic government requires a whole different set of skills, is not driven by profits and has as its primary goal the welfare of its citizens. Nothing wrong with business acumen, but shouldn’t experience in civic affairs, understanding how small municipalities operate and participation in community matters be more germane regarding a candidate’s qualifications for office?

I hope the candidates will consider and answer these questions, in print or at future forums. I think the public has a right to know about those who wish to serve their interests.

Will Shonbrun
Boyes Springs

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