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Invest in Human Capital

Editor: The opportunity for our Valley to invest in human capital is going to present itself this November 2 when the outcome of Measure H will be decided by voters of all political persuasions. Passing the proposed $40,000,000 school bond will generate over $29,000,000 in annual energy savings for the next 25 years, over $3,000,000 in energy rebates from PG&E, and provide students with near state-of-the-art vocational and technology facilities to prepare them for life after high school in the 21st century. Coupled with a commitment to faculty training and program articulation with the Santa Rosa Junior College system, we could be in a position to provide our students with a world-class preparation for life after high school.

The one constant in making the current “American Dream” become a reality is access to a good education. If the truth be told, “free public education” is a myth and always has been. Given Sacramento’s political and financial dysfunction, it is time for us as local residents to pick up the educational baton and run with it. Not to do so is to squander our future and shortchange our children. My children are all over 21. However, I have the privilege of working with your children and I see their potential on a daily basis. I hope to see you at the polls.
David E. Donnelley
Economics Teacher, SVHS

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