Editor: Mr. Weinberger’s words convey a sense of hysteria. Not unlike Obama who urged a Hispanic audience to take on the “enemies.” (Heaven forbid, one speaks of Islamic terrorists so harshly.) No, Obama’s “enemies” are Americans who are not in lockstep with his liberal agenda. Facing the prospect of losing Congressional seats, Obama magnanimously conceded Republicans “can come along for the ride but they have to sit in the back” (of the bus?). His gratuitous comment is not much better than his laying down the gauntlet early on with the words, “We won!” (My way or no way!)
This administration is the most partisan in all my years observing national politics. In January 2009, Speaker Pelosi rapped her gavel with these welcoming words, “It’s time to put politics aside and come together in the spirit of bipartisanship to fix this mess caused by the Republicans.” Never mind, she had presided over a Democratic House majority for all of George W. Bush’s second term. His urgent proposals and programs were DOA.
As Speaker, Pelosi decides which bills see the light of day and which die in committee. This is why most people know nothing about the Republicans’ 63-page health care alternative to the Democrats’ 1000-plus pages of regulations, mandates and penalties.
Pelosi, the nation’s self-appointed “nanny” knows what’s best for you. While nearly 12 percent of Americans scramble to find work that provides a paycheck, Pelosi suggests, “Food stamps give you the biggest bang for your buck.” Marie Antoinette couldn’t have said it better.
So who’s deranged, Mr. Weinberger?
June England
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