Editor: Cat Austin’s production of “MJ – It’s all for Love: The Music and Dance of Michael Jackson” will present its last show this Saturday, Nov. 20, at the Sebastiani Theatre. The show incorporates 26 students, ages nine through 17, from many of our Valley’s schools.
Cat has the amazing ability to zero in on the goodness in each performer and show them how to shine. For some, this is their first time to see that side of themselves.
This production is the talk of the town, not just because Michael Jackson’s music and dance is amazing, but also because of it’s high quality put on by these amazing youths who have seen that hard work really pays off.
Each of their previous shows have had standing ovations! You, too, will walk away with a huge smile on your face. My 11-year-old son Jonas is in the production, and he feels so proud to be in such a show of this caliber. His cast mates are also proud, and it shows in how they present themselves at each show.
Nicole Abaté Ducarroz
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