A joint project between the Sonoma Ecology Center, the school district, and the City of Sonoma will result in an upgraded corner in an Eastside neighborhood. A previously unused lot at the intersection of Second Street East and East MacArthur streets is being transformed into a native plant demonstration garden complete with walking paths, benches and a new bicycle rack. According to Milenka Bates, public works director for the City of Sonoma, the project includes creek restoration as well as the removal of invasive species like blackberry. Native trees like oaks were planted in the new space as well as along the existing bike path. Joel Grogan of the SEC is the on-site project supervisor. He said that the demo garden is the showpiece for work the SEC has been doing in the area since 2008 and that each of the five gardens will highlight aesthetically pleasing plants and landscaping native to Sonoma’s climate. The actual scope of the project runs from East MacArthur, along the bike path behind Sonoma Valley High School and continues all the way through to Nathanson Creek Park. Funding for the project comes through Proposition 50.
New garden takes shape

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