Editor: To follow is my letter to David Payne-Chairman, president & CEO of
Westamerica Bank.
Dear Mr. Payne: Congratulations on your successful bid to buy the remnants of Sonoma Valley Bank. There is widespread concern that, with Westamerica Bank’s reduction in the hours of operation of the “Banco De Sonoma” branch as well as the Glen Ellen branch it would portend imminent closure.
This would be very damaging and inconvenient to businesses and residents in the Sonoma Valley and would leave Sonoma Valley with no local bank branches between Sonoma and Santa Rosa. If you did follow through on such a plan it would appear to redline an entire geographic area of our community. There would be no branches, no credit and no more convenient banking for miles for many of our seniors as well as our historic Hispanic community.
In a recent advertisement locally you claim “the same smiling faces” but didn’t your reduction in hours cause the relocation or termination of some employees who were highly effective in that neighborhood? These people were not the cause of the collapse of Sonoma Valley Bank so why punish them ?
There are positive forces that have made improvements to business and infrastructure in the area known locally as “the Springs” in the last couple of years. There are anchor properties like the Fairmont Sonoma Mission Inn where guest now have walkable dining options like El Molino and Hot Box. In addition, there are other emerging business hubs in the neighborhood.
I urge you to have bank officials meet with responsible politicians and spokespeople in the area. Please don’t foreclose on your opportunity to gain a loyal customer base before your competition does as we exit this financial crisis. Gutting these branches will remove any sense of local loyalty for WestAmerica Bank.
Dennis P. Hipps
Thanks you for your support and leadership Mr. Hipps.
The Grassroots Effort to Save Banco de Sonoma