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Plaza should be for all – four legged included

Editor: In response to last week’s letter about dog poop in the Plaza, bah humbug!

Frankly, what I find offensive are those rude unwelcoming signs all over the Plaza with big red slashes through a picture of a dog banning all of us Sonomans and unsuspecting tourists accompanied by our furry four-legged children from the city park that is supposed to be there for all of us, not to mention paid for by everyone’s taxes. As a matter of fact, I’d be willing to bet that if the City of Sonoma embraced man’s best friend, we would all find a lot less dog poop at the bottoms of our shoes.

You see, in every other city across America that claims to be dog and tourism friendly you will likely find those handy little poop bag dispensers strategically positioned around parks and trails. I’d also be willing to bet that if this town was more dog friendly that dog owners would be appreciative of that and make more of an effort. In many towns I’ve seen those dispensers stocked by locals when the city wasn’t keeping the supply up with the demand. Most of us have no problem citizen policing the few that aren’t paying attention to their dog’s deposits. But as you can see, this negative attitude about dogs in the Plaza is not helping.

The other day I was walking through the Plaza and stepped in a sticky gooey ice cream spoon mess dropped on the sidewalk by a human child and then sat on a piece of gum stuck to a park bench. Now that was annoying. Isn’t there a playground somewhere?
Kelly Staples

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    One Comment

    1. Ralph Hutchinson Ralph Hutchinson

      Take your dog to the Dog Walk but keep them out of the Plaza its crowded and full of children and not the place for a Dog, period. There are ordinances and Red Slashes over the picture of a Dog for a reason. Sign, Sign everywhere a sign…do this don’t do that can’t you read the sign?

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