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  1. Dennis Hipps Dennis Hipps

    Merry Christmas to the ONLY Sonoma Newspaper or online source for unabridged truth.

    I very much appreciate your service, which is fair and allows free commentary. Johnny come lately Sonoma blogs simply don’t cut it either, as they unfairly edit or remove commentary.

    That’s an un-American disease that seems to be catching in Sonoma’s “Fourth Estate.”

    So shine on Sun, shine on.

    As ever,
    Dennis Hipps

  2. Dennis Hipps Dennis Hipps

    Incidentally Folks,
    Did you know there is a new so-called news website in town called


    Well, what you might not know is that it is part of a national rollout by none other than AOL, who bought them for $7 million last year.

    Is anyone else disgusted to find this out?

    Down with the evil empire. Reject this wolf in sheep’s clothing. Support truly “LOCAL” businesses and news.

  3. Dennis Hipps Dennis Hipps

    It is time to roll out some kind of blog (neighborhoods?) feature where people might contribute FOR FREE any news story or item of interest. Somebody has got to stop this new AOL sponsored venture that is attempting to wipe out local newspapers. Action needs to be taken right away !
    The PD reported AOL just contributed $50 MILLION for this attack ! Defend yourselves. Keep it locally owned and genuinely Sonoma produced.

  4. Arthur Arthur

    Dennis, a tactical observation: your frantically begging everyone not to visit the Patch is probably the best advertisement they could hope for. You’ve certainly managed to pique my interest, anyway.

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