Girl Scouts will once again be out collecting and recycling Christmas trees throughout Sonoma and Glen Ellen for the third and final weekend January 8 and 9. Girls will be picking up trees between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on both Saturday and Sunday. If you would like your tree picked up, place it curbside so that it can be seen easily. There is a requested donation of $5.00 for trees under six feet and $10.00 for trees six feet and over. Please leave the donation in an envelope under your doormat. Checks can be made out to “Girl Scouts.” Your donation is tax deductible and the Girl Scouts will leave a receipt. Girl Scouts cannot recycle trees with stands, flocking, decorations or tinsel. It is not necessary to call ahead for a tree pick-up. For more information please call 576.6005.
Treecycle continues this weekend

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