Temple Lodge No. 14 of Free and Accepted Masons held its 161st annual Installation of Officers on January 8.
The following new lodge officers were installed: Rodney Beck, Master; Victor E. Hipkiss, Senior Warden; Gustav Hobel, Junior Warden; Richard Smith, Treasurer; Karl Hipkiss, Secretary; Robert Leonard, Assistant Secretary; Jack Heard, Chaplain; Jason Bryant, Senior Deacon; Ian Kruljac, Junior Deacon; Lloyd Abrams, Marshall; Frank Wiebusch, Senior Steward; Christopher Garcia, Junior Steward; and Eugene Schulteiss, Tiler.
Past Master Warren Eide was the installation officer and Past Master Jack Heard served as the master of ceremonies for the event. Past Master Robert Kelso was the installing chaplain.
Chartered on May 6, 1851, Temple Lodge No. 14 is the oldest fraternal organization in the City of Sonoma. Today, the Sonoma Masonic Lodge is perhaps best known as the proud sponsor of the annual Sonoma Valley “Teacher of the Year Award” for outstanding achievement.
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