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Local Beanie Babies enroute to Haiti

Dan Nichols will be accompanying the Beanie Babies on the mission trip to Haiti.

Literally hundreds of Beanie Babies packed their little bags last week and prepared for the journey of a lifetime. The stuffed toys, collected by St. Andrew Presbyterian Church parishioner Odessa Sanden, are headed to Haiti where they will help warm the hearts of children still suffering from last year’s earthquake.

Four local people will be departing Sonoma on a medical mission, Beanie Babies in tow, on January 23. They include architect Dan Nichols, his wife Dr, Aimee Chagnon, a local neurologist, and nurses John and Michelle Donaldson. The group will distribute the Beanie Babies to children who are undergoing medical procedures.
According to Sanden, the stuffed animals are cherished by the children, who have no other toys, and also used as a calming tool for them during doctor’s visits.

“Not only are the Beanie Babies a really neat gift, they also serve an important purpose,” said Sanden.
Altogether, Sanden collected 1,247 Beanie Babies through a mostly word-of-mouth process. She is now gearing up to collect more for future mission trips to Haiti. Those interested in donating can call Sanden at 938.4371 or drop them by St. Andrew Presbyterian Church at 16290 Arnold Drive.

“We’ve been so blessed with Beanie Babies. It’s just marvelous. People came together to donate and put blankets and bows on them. It’s just so exciting,” said Sanden.

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