Editor: We are certain that Ms. Hill did not intend to suggest that Prestwood parents are “uninvolved” when reporting on the missing broccoli caper in a recent issue of the Sonoma Index Tribune. However, this report has opened the opportunity for us to mention how stellar the Prestwood parents are and how responsive to our need. Whether it is to organize a fundraiser for a family in need, volunteer weekly in the classroom, stack books in the library, our parents are always there for us. Despite the fact that the broccoli was missing, our students learned that sometimes “bad things happen to good people.” Our wonderful parents stepped in, another teacher offered broccoli, our students enjoyed the dip and learned the valuable lesson of flexibility.
We are grateful to have such involved and caring parents send their children to Prestwood School.
Beth Wolk,
Grateful Principal,
Prestwood School
Susan Foshay
Grateful Fifth Grade Teacher
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