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Condemning the witch hunt

Editor: The Republican Party, not content with its assault on labor (human) rights for wage and healthcare negotiations, now wants to drag us back to one of the lowest points in American history. Enter one Rep. Peter King, R-NY, who has convened hearings targeting American Muslims in a disgusting display reminiscent of the disgraceful McCarthy hearings in the 50s. 

Scapegoating is (at least) as old as the Bible and it bubbles up to the surface here at home every so often, leaves a stinking mess that slimes a lot of people before it recedes back into the cesspool from which it emanates, and this time will be no different. Some pass it off as just a distraction, and that might be in the Republican’s playbook, but it’s a dangerous one. If history teaches us anything it’s that tribunals of this nature, singling out a particular group for bigoted scrutiny and suspicion, can have disastrous consequences. 

These kinds of witch-hunts should be roundly and loudly condemned by every newspaper in every city and town across the country. King, those on his committee, and anyone in league or in agreement with this despicable act are an affront to the citizenry of our nation and it should not be tolerated.         
Will Shonbrun


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