Editor: As a cardiologist, I treat patients who unfortunately suffer from heart disease. Heart disease and stroke are the number one and number three killers of Americans. However, 80 percent of cardiac events are preventable, including stopping or never starting smoking.
Recently, the “Journal of the American Medical Association” released a study that stated that between 1965 and 2007, the prevalence of high-intensity smoking decreased greatly in the United States. The study also noted that California was leading the states in terms of smoking reduction. Our state consistently led the U.S. in using public policies to reduce cigarette smoking, and there were faster declines in smoking prevalence in California compared to the rest of the nation.
The American Heart Association has worked tirelessly to advocate for smoke-free air and to prevent youth smoking. Nearly 40,000 Californians die from smoking-related deaths annually with medical costs of $9.1 million in our state alone. We continue to support smoking cessation legislation for a healthier California. In partnership with the American Cancer Society and the American Lung Association of California, we have joined forces to put The California Cancer Research Act on the next statewide ballot. If passed, this tobacco tax initiative would increase sales taxes by $1 per pack and direct the revenue to fund tobacco-related disease research, tobacco prevention and enforcement programs.
Currently, per the Centers for Disease Control recommendations, California’s tobacco control program is grossly underfunded. The tobacco tax initiative would generate $150 million for tobacco control. This measure would allocate the majority of the funds to scientific research into prevention, causes and treatment of smoking-related illnesses and chronic conditions, including cardiovascular disease.
Generations of Californians deserve the opportunity to lead a smoke-free, heart healthy life.
Ralph G. Brindis, MD
Past President, San Francisco American Heart Association
Bay Area, California
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