The thought of a Staples coming to Sonoma, is unbelievable. The company is planning on pursuing the plan of occupying the former Holder Ford building. They already don’t care what the people here want or don’t want. No meetings.
Until finally, thanks to Ken Brown, the City Council is going to hear from the people Monday at the Council meeting. The issue is on the agenda. Be there if you can. If not send a letter. Phone Ken Brown.
We moved here in 1983, because there were no noisy crowded Malls, no freeways to deal with, Sonoma was a place where, before long, you ran into people you knew, often. And you still do, even tho’ the area has grown a lot since then. I enjoy those hi neighbor moments. And the locally owned businesses, they will be lost in the shuffle
Our feelings were that if we wanted to go to a Mall or any big time store (like Staples), we only had to drive over the hill or across the valley, with our shopping list in hand, and buy whatever it was that we thought we needed. Make a day of it, and then return to good old Sonoma Valley, leaving the chaos behind us.
Also, the traffic at that intersection has become a concern as it is. What will they do, put in a round-a-bout to take care of the large number of cars that will be heading for Staples?
I am pleading for the life of Sonoma, as we know it and love it.
Doreen Proctor
Staples here, good bye Slownoma
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