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Happy 100th Avis!

Avis Walsh has seen a lot in her 100 years. Born on September 25, 1911 in Grand Junction, Colorado, the centenarian will celebrate her big day with family and friends at party in her honor.

Walsh, who has lived in Sonoma for the past 30 years, is mother to twelve children ranging in age from 62 to 81 years old and who are spread throughout the United States. She has 48 grandchildren, an astonishing 68 great grandchildren and nine great-great grandchildren.

“My mother is excited about the party but is feeling a bit overwhelmed,” said her daughter, Sheila Leal. “To her it’s just another day and she’s not sure what all the fuss is about. She’s very easy going and her approach to life has always been very positive. She’s always smiling and happy.”

Leal said the thing that her mom misses most is reading her beloved Louis Lamour books now that her eyesight isn’t quite what it used to be. The Sun wishes her a very happy 100th birthday.

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