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concerned neighbor

It has been observed (by a neighbor) that Gina Cuclis signs have been collected by the campaign manager of Joann Sanders. The police were called and the report is buried as a “suspicious vehicle on Mariano Drive Wednesday the 13th. A personal account can be given by who was at the house on Mariano when the police were called.

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    One Comment

    1. Robert Hauser Robert Hauser

      Well, you can bet gold bullion to used beer that JoAnne will, upon being confronted by and called out on this revelation, immediately scurry for refuge behind “plausible denial”—-like any other political prostitute or gigolo in the scatosphere of politics in this country now. Always remember that politics is the ultimate white collar welfare fraud—as opposed to true statesmanship and that is something none of us will ever see in this country again…least of all in the ilk of JoAnne Sanders.

      I have constantly heard how, at city scoundril meetings, JoAnne can generally be counted upon to flap her gums about being a “loving mother to her three daughters and blahblahblahblah”…well, JoAnne, then why don’t you go home and stay home and BE a supposed “loving mother” to your offspring and kindly stay out of the lives of us working people, politically or any other way, as we can do quite well without your “mothering”, thank you just the same.

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