Editor:What a surprise…Gray Davis appointee Supervisor Valerie Brown gave away $750mm in a now well known ponzi scheme as a union payback for support of Gray Davis in 2002. She should resign…immediately.
No…not “resign”…that would permit her to waltz all the way to the bank with a big pie-snatching grin on her face while she collects an obscenely lavish pension off of tax-slaves like you. The word is “impeachment”—the next word is “indictment”. If you have the documentation to back this up you should seriously consider filing your own personal complaint with BOTH the federal grand jury on Golden Gate Ave in SF and simultaneously with your local sonoma county grand jury. I wouldn’t waste too much time doing it, either. You can lodge your complaint in the form of an affidavit—an affidavit is considered prima facie evidence in court. A local tabloid is not a court of law and cannot punish corrupt self-servants-at-public-expense and most likely wouldn’t anyway even if they could as they are in bizz for money, not for justice.
If we were to ask for the resignation of every politician who had a shady deal our Government Offices would be closed. Unions are not all bad in fact consider how many Illegals are double Dipping into the System to cover the Money which is being send back to Mexico. People forget that Unions created the 5 day work week, 8 hour work day and lunches as well as Unemployment and Workers Compensation. Unions will stand behind anyone who is wrongly fired even if they are not in a Union.
Unions Built and continue to build America. I’m tired of the people who blast the Unions claiming their wrong doings when most Unions only want a Fair a economically based Employment Compensation. For example Union Electricians have to take 8000 hours OJT as well as Class Room Training, then they must pass a State Certification before they are allowed to work on any job, where as other Electricians are not always certified or trained.
No matter what the Union they have good and Bad but not as bad as the employers who hire illegals or unqualified individual who do bad work, don’t cover their work and double dip into our tax dollars to work.