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Help the Post Office

This is a plea for help for our Post Office on Broadway. For almost a month there has been a sign on the door informing us that the door is broken and will be repaired “ASAP”.
Will someone who has a screwdriver and a few minutes of time please go adjust or replace the metal hinge at the top of the door?
The weather will be hot soon, and the air conditioning (which costs us lots of money) will be cooling the parking lot unless the door is repaired and kept closed.

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    One Comment

    1. R R

      I used to work for the Postal Service in Southern Ca and all I tell you is they ran the operation like joke! The employees were helpful but, the managers were insulting and rude every day! So, I made it through the trial 90 day probation but quit. They need to fix thier issues or go down like other poorly run companies!

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